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Health Diets - The BRAT, BRATT, BRATTY Diet for Gastrointestinal Problems

Sounds like a straight fad diet from Hollywood, this diet is actually developed to help with various types of gastrointestinal problems such as gastroenteritis, diarrhea, and diphtheria. Historically given to patients with the above problem, this diet is basically a low-fiber diet - low fiber is recommended as high fiber foods can cause excess gas and worsen gastrointestinal problems.

Remember this diet is designed to meet certain stomach conditions and not as a weight loss program.

What does BRAT, BRATT or BRATTY mean?

BRAT stands for banana, rice, apple and toast. BRATT is for banana, rice, toast and tea. BRATTY stands for banana, rice, apple, toast, tea and yogurt. These are foods that are recommended to prevent gastrointestinal problems and in some cases cure them.


Eat some bananas. Bananas are bland fruit that can be constipated, a good thing for diarrhea.


Eat some rice. The rice is bland and well received and may not cause nausea.


Eat apples. The consistency of epilepsy cream is likely to be low, and contains pectin which helps in stopping diarrhea.


Eat some toast. Almost everyone loves toast, and with a bit of apple jelly, it adds to the calories needed for patients.


Drink lots of black tea to help with hydration.


Provides good culture / bacteria that are lost during diarrhea and vomiting.

BRATT diet

It is recommended that all patients with gastroenteritis or diarrhea on a diet increase their fluid intake regardless of age. Oral rehydration solutions should be taken together with additional fluids to prevent dehydration as severe diarrhea can overcome electrolytes which can lead to severe salt imbalance leading to confusion, weakness, coma or death. Avoid carbonated drinks, protein or processed drinks and gelatin-based foods.

One important thing to keep in mind during this diet is that it is not whole and lacks important foods like protein. So, even though diet helps your gut problems, your body still needs protein and it is recommended that you also take lean meats like turkeys or enjoy some tofu. Good multi-vitamin tablets taken daily can also help with this.

In modern times, this diet is no longer recommended by pediatric specialists, they recommend that the child remain on a regular diet and that the BRAT diet is given in addition to what is acceptable. Studies have shown that a balanced diet should be maintained during diarrhea and by incorporating some BRAT foods such as apples (because of pectin) it can reduce their severity.

Medical attention is required if diarrhea persists after 3 or 4 days in the BRAT diet and if blood or mucus is present in the stool.


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