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How To Get Sexy Six-Pack Abs

Let it be admitted, the muscular face called six pack abs is very sexy and is often admired by many viewers. But without the proper fitness program, it may take a long time to achieve that carved look.

For men, as well as women, fitness includes adequate nutrition, exercise and rest programs. The important thing is to try to lose weight because it helps lower cortisol levels. During sleep the body repairs and rejuvenates the cells. Getting 7-8 hours of rest each night is optional, but remember to exercise regularly to take at least one day a week to let your body rest and build new muscles.

Diet plays an important role in developing a torn body. Protein, the building block of every cell in the body, should be consumed at every meal. Low fat sources of saturated fat are best choices and are available in vegetables and legumes as well as meat. Beans, avocados, and chickens are examples of low-fat protein.

Although rest and diet are essential components of fitness, the deciding factor in getting a six-pack abs is exercise. Plans that include cardio and strength training have repeatedly provided the best results. But to get the look of the muscle carved, it will take certain training to work in that area.

An exercise that works to tighten the abdominal muscles is a stomach problem. When doing this exercise and all other exercises, make sure your core is involved. The Pilates principle, which involves the core helping to draw the muscles of the stomach, strengthens the back and flattens the abdomen to give a six-pack appearance that is the envy of many athletes and supporters.

Stomach crunch

• On the mat, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.

• Put your hands behind your ears or lightly behind your head. Don't pull your neck. You can choose to start with just your right hand on your right ear, while your left arm is next to your body. This will prevent you from pulling your neck. When you turn the other side, lower your right arm and place your left hand on your left ear.

• Crunch your middle and upper back as you point your right elbow to your left knee. (When you turn the sides, your left elbow will point towards your right knee.)

Repeat 8-12 times and vice versa. Goal: 3 sets.


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