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Quick 6 Pack Abs - 3 Tips to Get 6 Pack Abs Quickly

Here are three quick tips for tip-6 abs. If you want to get 6 pack abs you need this secret to get six pack abs fast.

# 1: Use bike crunches.

Bike crunches are very similar to normal crunches with one additional maneuver. As you tackle the usual problems you touch the elbows to the opposite knee. This looks like riding a bike and is a great way to lose weight and damage muscles.

Here's how you can fix your bike problem. Lay with your back down flat on the floor. Bend your knees up until they make a V-position.

At the same time, lift in normal condition when you rotate your elbows over the problem to meet the opposite knee. Then return to the starting position with your back on the floor with your feet in the back V position. Then repeat, alternating elbows and knees.

# 2: Eat more healthy fat.

It may sound funny but it does reduce your appetite. Foods like nuts, avocados, eggs, and grass fed meats are great for suppressing appetite. But you still have to watch what you eat.

You want to avoid as much processed food as possible and eat organic foods. This reduces toxin intake and accelerates weight loss. The main reason most people have trouble getting 6 packs is the excess fat in refined sugars and processed foods they eat.

Therefore, if you eat the right fat and combine it with organic foods, you will overcome many of the reasons most people are fat in the first place.

# 3: Don't spend all your time training your abs.

It's also a little known secret. Having a flat belly muscle is all about having a low percentage of body fat. The mistake many people make is focusing too much on their stomachs and not enough on their overall fitness.

You should spend most of your training focusing on major muscle groups such as the legs, back and chest as this stimulates your metabolism. Then, you can spend about 10% of your workout time directly on ab exercises like bike crunches.


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