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How to Silence Your Critical Voice for Greater Achievement

As I was washing my sixth chocolate cake with milk, I realized that I was trying to water the shame and frustration of my system. After all, this is the fourth time I've taken this teacher's exam and never passed. However, everything rode me through it. Fortunately, I have a full time teaching position. But how long? I receive memos regularly from school districts when they come to the conclusion - graduate or apply for your career.

Brooding, I chomped on my eighth cookie. Did I mention I'm on a diet? Eating to entertain myself is just being pumped ...

Few people can "think straight" after great frustration. We were emotionally exposed. In times like these when we need to extend tenderness and compassion to ourselves, we tend to treat ourselves with rudeness and lotion. A string of thoughts would vibrate like a steam engine through my mind during this stressful time: "Are you stupid" Third grade teacher passed the test on the first try! You'll be homeless soon. Is that what you want, Rosalind? "

Sound familiar?

Although mistakes, delays and frustrations are the inevitable obstacles along the way to success, our internal criticisms prevent us from learning the lessons from our mistakes, and then apply these lessons closer to our goals.

Yes, it's hard to put your effort and time into a project, get unfair criticism from your boss, or study hard for important tests and failures, or watch your partner walk with a younger woman. Our first knee reaction was, "What's wrong with me? Or I can't control it!"

Unfortunately, some people choose to "throw away the towel," choosing to exist day by day; others have become naysayers, projecting their inner critics on anyone around them who shares their dreams. These are the people who tell you all the reasons why your goals don't work. Applying this attitude to life is a real failure.

But what separates success from failure is what lies between our ears - our mental conversations.

You might ask, "Hey, I'm not talking to myself!" But we all do it whether it looks or not. The color of our self-talk is our expectation. For example, a male worker walks down the aisle, and passes you by. If your internal critic is installed, you may notice a good obstacle. You're responding. "Unlucky guy! He's frowning. I'll ignore it next time." You never think of other factors as he just has a major argument with his wife, and it goes down. We erode our working relationships through our negative self-talk.

What does it take for us to succeed in our personal and professional lives?

Learning to recognize and silence inner critics is the only answer that offers us the freedom to persevere in our desires.

Here are three ways to expose your "critics".

1. Hang Up Optimistic, Successful People

What you do around you becomes. Have you ever treated negative people? Their complaints and criticism can relieve your emotional and physical pain after a short time. However, by hanging positive, nurturing people, they can offer insight and grace as you hit the roadblock to success. These real people acknowledge your frustration and pain as you blow it, but will lovingly kick you in the back and say, "Okay, let's go back to work!" They have experienced their setback, but have chosen to find their way around their challenges. They'll encourage you to do the same.

2. Talk Back to Your Inner Criticism

My friend Donna always tells me, "Go with that lion." What does it mean? He claimed that the roaring lion was always a toothless adult. She said, "He lied when he was overcast, he sounded scary, but he couldn't hurt you."

Internal critics remind me of roaring lions. Our critics can be strong and convincing, but learn how to discuss it. When your critics become annoying, write in your journal. Draw a line in the center of a piece of paper in your journal. On the left, write down what your internal criticism is screaming. For example, when I was studying for my teacher's test, I heard criticism saying, "Why do you study, you will fail again." I wrote in my journal.

To the right of the voice counter with permission. In response to my critics I wrote, "I may fail the test, but if I give my effort and concentration, I know it will be a problem before I graduate." I do this every time I feel my patience. In time, my voice of internal criticism became whispered. Try it. The truth will set you free.

3. Learn Life Lessons

By all means, don't let the internal critics control your life! When we succumb to self-pity, anger and depression, we see ourselves helpless. Our actions will be in line with our perception. The truth is that there are many solutions to problems and obstacles, we just have to disclose our choices.

As success is always the result of teamwork, spend time with your positive support team. Ask them to help you identify areas of weakness, and how to address specific issues. Eventually, you will have many perspectives and options to work well. Select the option that best suits your situation, and apply it. Track decisions and adjust as needed. Quickly learn your life lessons from the downturn, and you don't need to repeat them.

After whirling around with pity and with chocolate cookie powder framing my mouth, I finally decided I had no choice. I need to see why I failed this teacher exam for the fourth time. What lesson do I need to learn? My weakest subject is Math. The last course I took was high school Algebra. That's twenty years ago!

I decided to find another teacher on my school site who did not pass the exam. I found three teachers, and we formed a study group. For six weeks we shot each other test questions. We debate answers, take tests of strategy, chew our mouths with chips and laugh.

Fortunately, each team member has their own subject matter. I am proud to help teachers with English essay questions. I better answer Geometry and Algebra questions.

Throughout the whole process, my internal critics tried to scream; it was trying to get my attention, but I was focused, determined to pass the test, and finish my teacher training program. Somewhere, in my process
forget all the critics. I took the exam, and I'm proud to report that I received it.

You deserve the best life you have to offer. Depending on the positive and successful people. Work with inner criticism by listening to it, and feeding it the truth. It will shrink. Learn the lessons that every situation offers you, and you'll find yourself becoming more emotional, productive and successful.


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