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Colds and Wet Hair: Mother Was Wrong Again

Will you get cold if you come out with wet hair in cold weather? If you say no, you're right. Flu and inflammation of the lungs are

due to infection. You don't take the infection from the cold

weather, you get germs from other people who sneeze or cough

face or send germs with their hands to your objects


So the question is whether the body's cooling is suppressed

your immune system to control the germs that you normally control

suddenly become pathogens and make you sick. That question exists

has been answered many times. Chilling does not hinder your immunity

as long as you are not so cold that your body defenses are destroyed.

In 1958, a paper inside American Journal of Hygiene (Volume 68)

reports that more than 400 volunteers are exposed to the virus

which causes the flu. Some are exposed to very cold temperatures

while wearing heavy clothes, some to 60 degrees temp

wearing pants, and some to 80 degrees very warm. All have

the same infection rate. A 1968 paper on New England

Medical Journal
followed by the occupants of the existing Texas prison

cold viruses are placed directly into their noses. They did

exposed to extreme temperatures, with varying amounts

clothes. Be cold or warm, dress or take off, or

Having wet or dry hair has no effect on their infection.

Important factors determine whether you get cold

exposure to cold viruses.


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