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When Treating Arthritis, There are Definite Foods to Avoid, and Specific Arthritis Foods to Eat

Food to Avoid

You need to make sure that the ratio of calcium to phosphorus in any of the foods you eat is as low as possible - this is because excess phosphorus will increase calcium loss from the body and make it worse. The more foods you have in the phosphorus you eat, the more you need to add a good source of calcium.

Reduce your intake:

o red meat, red fish

o Most grains, especially wheat.


o Soft drinks - high in phosphoric acid

o Organ meat (liver, kidney), processed meat - especially high in phosphorus

o Caffeine - increases the rate of loss of minerals and nutrients

o Fried foods and vegetable oils - High fry foods and omega 6 fats from vegetable oils can make inflammation worse

o sugar - results in poor absorption of nutrients

o antacids - neutralizes stomach acid and results in poor calcium absorption (heartburn and indigestion due to poor eating habits and NOT stomach acids!)

Important Note: Eliminate bad fats like margarine, cook with too much vegetable oil and fried foods from your diet. High intake of vegetable oils (Omega 6 source) should be avoided as this will worsen inflammation.

Arthritis Foods

The best arthritis foods are high in dietary calcium and magnesium and other trace minerals - this will ensure healthy bone and bone matrix structure. Certain nutrients are also needed to build bone and bone structure.

Calcium: Not milk fat, yoghurt, cottage cheese, snow peas, soybeans, tofu, sardines, salmon, walnuts and almonds, sunflower seeds, kale and other leafy vegetables, broccoli, alfalfa seeds - to name a few. Milk is not a great source of calcium because it has low magnesium content and you need magnesium to get calcium into your bones.

Magnesium: Lots of fruits and vegetables, grains, leafy vegetables, nuts, nuts, bananas and apricots - all of which make great arthritis foods.

Vitamin D: is needed to get calcium into the bone. The best source is the sun - about 10 minutes a day is fine. Other sources include dairy products and fatty fish.

Trace minerals: Boron and Manganese are essential to help the body absorb calcium; Boron's best sources are green leafy vegetables, apples, almonds and legumes. For Manganese, look for ginger and wheat as your arthritis food.

Collagen & Tissue Support: Collagen is part of our bone matrix, cartilage and joints that protect and lubricate our joints. It is also part of our skin, hair and connective tissue.

Arthritis foods containing the following nutrients will provide nutrients for bone support: zinc, copper, selenium and beta-carotene (Vitamin A). Green leafy vegetables and pumpkin seeds are good sources of zinc; selenium can be found in brazil nuts from Brazil (due to the high content of selenium in the soil); while Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, berries, red and green peppers, tomatoes, broccoli and spinach. Eggs and meat are good sources of amino acids that form part of the collagen structure.

Fatty Acid Acid - is an excellent arthritis food and is needed to relieve the body's natural pain and anti-inflammatory reactions. They are also part of the fluid with the protector. The best sources are fish (especially oily fish like salmon and mackerel), animal fat and some oils like flaxseed (for omega 3) and borage oil (for omega 6).

As for essential fatty acids, you should use Omega 6 EFA & Omega 3 EFA at a ratio of 2: 1. Most people find it very difficult to get this right (average US and UK ratio is around 10: 1) so we recommend using EFA Supplements from quality sources.

Final Note on Arthritis Foods

While it may be possible to meet some of your nutritional needs from the foods you eat, if you are serious about preventing or reversing arthritis, you should eat these arthritis foods in combination with nutritional supplements.

Also consider that the majority of the food we eat is grown in mineralized soil - so almonds should not contain all the calcium and magnesium they should have, sadly but surely!

If you have a hectic lifestyle, eat light snacks and / or can't get enough fresh food in your daily life, then you should consider adding all 90 essential nutrients including colloidal minerals and supplements containing vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids.

Calcium and magnesium are usually highly absorbed from our arthritis diet and from supplements, however, liquid supplemental calcium containing Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin D and Glucosamine is a great way to supplement your diet.

Supplements that specifically help with the maintenance and repair of joints such as Glucosamine, are also beneficial. If you have pain and inflammation, then CM Cream has been scientifically proven and medicated to relieve pain and improve mobility.

The use of digestive enzyme supplements - will increase the absorption of good arthritis foods you eat and will maximize the benefits you receive from taking supplements. As we all reach the age of 40, our stomach acid concentration begins to decline and this can lead to complications of existing chronic diseases, such as arthritis.


1. Avoid foods high in phosphorus - especially SOFT DRINKS, processed foods, processed meats and organ meats. No fried foods, cooking oils or margarine - use a little extra olive oil.

2. Get rid of caffeine and sugar from your diet and stop taking antacids.

3. Eat foods with different types of fresh fruits and vegetables and eggs. Reduce consumption of red meat and fish.

4. Consider using supplements to support and reverse your arthritis, and digestive enzymes to maximize absorption of food and supplements.


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