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Enjoying a Balanced Healthy Diet is Just One of the Benefits of Living in a Multicultural Society

Visit any street market or specialty market such as fish or fruits and vegetables or supermarkets and the variety of food offered is staggering, adding to these specialty shops, corner shops and wholesale shops so the choice is really great. We in Britain are fortunate to have a multi-racial society, in London alone there are over 300 different languages ​​and dialects spoken, these 300 plus their attitudes and ideas about food on their own.

We have no doubt that it is the most multicultural country in Europe. This has worked so much in our favor when it comes to food, we tend to lack the elitist attitude towards food that allows for cultural integration and other cultural habits into our culture. From a balanced and varied eating perspective, this is a huge advantage.

What do we need to look for when evaluating our current diet to determine whether it is balanced and varied?

The list below is a well-balanced diet.

1. Carbohydrates. Provide energy sources

2. Fat. It also provides energy and contains dissolved vitamins.

3. Fiber. This helps the gut to function properly

4. Protein. This promotes growth and improvement.

5. Vitamins. Wanted for good health is just a small amount needed.

6. Minerals. Required for healthy teeth and bones.

A balanced diet must contain all the elements in the list in the correct section.

The more you can make your diet better. The selection of quality food is great, easy to find about the kind of food you've never tried before with the usual food and cooking programs on TV and radio, high volume magazines and cookbooks and of course the internet. Taking care of your various foods will make it attractive and help you avoid "slapping it on the plate", high salt, high sugar, high fat saturated foods.

When you choose, prepare and cook your food from good quality raw produce you know what has been and is not in your diet. Don't fall into the trap of pretending that providing home-cooked meals that are tasty and nutritious is a time-consuming operation. Consider cooking in an oven-ready pizza, it takes about 20-25 minutes to heat, you can make pasta at the same time and it may cost you less.

Where would you find the items in the list?

Carbohydrates. The major providers of carbohydrates are potatoes, pasta, rice, bread and cereals. This is known as starchy food.

Fat. We need to have less fat in our diet, help the body absorb vitamins and provide essential fatty acids that the body cannot produce. Fat is also a good source of energy. There are two types of saturated and unsaturated fats that we must avoid or limit the use of saturated fat as this can increase cholesterol which in turn can increase the risk of heart disease. Unsaturated fats work in other ways to reduce cholesterol and heart disease. Eat healthy fish, nuts and seeds, avocado, oils like olives, sunflowers and grapeseed as well, spreads of which are a good source of unsaturated fats.

Restrict use butter, cream, fatty meat, cheese, coconut oil paste and cream. The recommended daily amount of saturated fat is 30g per day for men and 20g for women.

Fiber. Promotes healthy bowel function, water-absorbing fibers allow for easy passage through the bowl. It helps prevent constipation and colon cancer. Good sources of fiber are bread and bread crumbs, wholegrain rice and pasta do not try to peel vegetables when possible.

Protein. Make up about 16% of our total weight. High protein foods are chicken, red meat, fish, nuts and nuts, nuts and seeds, eggs and dairy.

Vitamins. There are thirteen vitamins that our body needs to all be obtained by eating food or through supplements because our bodies cannot produce them. Vitamin deficiency can cause serious illness and condition. Thirteen vitamins are divided into two groups, water soluble and fat soluble. All foods have specific vitamins specific to them, for example, vitamin B12 liver, red meat dairy. Vitamin E wheatgerm, egg yogurt, sunflower seeds. Each vitamin fulfills a different function, which is why it is important to have a diverse and balanced diet.

Minerals. Extracted by plants from the crust, humans and animals eat plants and become minerals in them. There are about seven essential minerals known as macros and about ten other minerals known as minerals or trace minerals, each of which plays a separate role and there are nine other minerals that the scientific community has yet to decide on their function in the body. Although minerals are only needed in small quantities, they are very important for healthy mind and body foods containing minerals, vitamins and proteins and other things that our body needs for a healthy healthy diet can be a standard plant such as tomatoes, onions , cabbage, or fresh runner beans, so you see there really is no reason. That said, don't be afraid to experiment with new ways to cook foods that are not just vegetable but all kinds of food and try as many different foods as possible.

for a healthy mind and body, foods containing minerals, vitamins, proteins and other needs of our body are easy to find, but the nutrients needed for a healthy balanced diet are just as good as tomato plants, onions, cabbage, fresh beans. So you see there really is no reason.


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