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Discover What is Floating Around in Your Water and Understand the Need For Drinking Water Filters

Drinking water filters is not a new idea. Many people have used many types of water filters for many years.

One of the earliest forms of water filtration has been used for many years in India. The first type of drinking water filter used is a large round clay pot and as water is left to stand in the pot, the impurities will be absorbed by the clay leaving the water with a sweeter and more refreshing taste.

But what about today? Is there still a need for a water filter? The answer to that question is a glorious YES!

Major industrialized countries are contributing to the problem of water supply today. The constant toxins of the products from the major manufactures find their way into the water we use every day.

In addition, the effects of drugs such as antibiotics and others have found access to rivers and water sources in major cities, including drinking water in schools.

This case was brought to light by Ashley Muloy, a 17-year-old student, in 1999 when after reading about the discovery of medicines in water supplies by European scientists, she decided to go through some of her own experiences and found the following in each sample of her antibiotics: penicillin, tetracycline and vancomycin

Lead is another dangerous pollutant found in tap water. And as already stated, there is no safe level to eat lead.

It can originate somewhere between the main street water and the house faucet.

The EPA estimates that 98% of all homes have pipes, fixtures or solder joints in household pipes that can ignite some levels of lead into tap water, for example all copper-coated copper and copper pipe fixtures contain 8% to 15%.

So what is an effective way to address local contaminants? Drinking water filters installed into the main supply is one of the most effective ways to deal with this.

But why should we worry?

Addition of chlorine to water supply has been a long-standing issue of debate since its introduction in the late 1800s as a way to disinfect and kill any bacteria.

Recent studies have shown that According to the AIS Council on Environmental Quality, "The risk of cancer among people using chlorine water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine."

The reason for this concern is that once chlorine is added to the water there is a chemical process that forms trihalomethane.

This is a chemical by chlorine mixing products with other natural compounds. And this trihalomethane triggers the production of free radicals that cause cell damage that can lead to cancer and heart disease.

Because the body is made up of more than 70% of water, and every single cell transaction takes place in water - water is the only thing we can take into our body.

It is a natural cure and prevents dehydration is a natural preventer of many of our common ailments including arthritis, asthma, hypertension, headaches and allergies, in addition to giving us great skin and a healthy digestive system, to name a few.

So the quality of the water we eat is important to our health.

We are told that we need to maintain our health and fitness levels and one of the best ways to achieve this is to use home drinking water filters and increase the amount of water we eat every day.

Drinking water filters don't have to be terribly earthy but you will find that it saves you a great deal on the cost of buying bottled water, improves taste and will also give you a flickering mind that you and your family always have access to the purest form of water.


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