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Best Diets for Weight Loss - The Fruit and Vegetable Diet

Weight loss is one of the most talked about things about TV programs and between friends and colleagues. People are interested in losing weight - and losing it fast. A popular weight loss technique is the diet plan of fruits and vegetables. While this may encourage rapid weight loss, it may put your position for fat gain without proper measures.

How It Works

Fruit and vegetable diet plans encourage weight loss quickly by including you with lower calorie options. The goal is to reach nine portions of vegetables and fruits daily in two or more weeks, with five from the vegetable group and four from the fresh fruit group. Over the next seven to fourteen days you are slowly changing the food you normally eat with a selection of fresh fruits and vegetables. You continue to eat nine portions of vegetables and fruits daily until the desired weight is reached.


Consuming low-calorie vegetables and fruits allows you to eat more often and avoid stress and temptation in the daily diet. Prevent food cravings by drying the radish sticks or pieces of fruit or beating the heat by rolling frozen blueberries. You can eat more and eat more often when vegetables and fruits are the essence of your diet program. After achieving your ultimate goal, you can maintain weight loss if you eat five to seven portions of vegetables and fruits daily.

There are also health benefits. Vegetables and fruits are full of nutrients and fiber. Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables is known to reduce LDL cholesterol and blood pressure. Research has shown that food reduces the risk of cancer, stroke and heart problems.


Preferably, vegetables and fruits are not as nutritious as carbohydrates or protein rich foods. You may feel very hungry within an hour or two of eating only vegetables and fruits, making it more attractive to overdo the prohibited foods.

Not all vegetables and fruits have the same weight gain. As Travis Van Slooten, founder and editor of Total Health, stated, avocado is rich in fat and bananas and is rich in sugar. Eating them responsibly is okay. However, eating too much can quickly reduce weight loss. To get the most out of the diet of fruits and vegetables eat unripe fruits and vegetables that are not cooked or steamed. Including a higher calorie wedding salad, butter or oil eliminates almost all the benefits of eating a lower calorie option.

Prepare yourself with good results by planning meals and dinners ahead of time. Fill the baggies with the portion of the unripe fruits and vegetables that are cleaned, sliced ​​and ready to eat.

Do not limit yourself to vegetables and fruits alone. Doing this is like making sure that you fail. Avoid the urgent need of a victim by introducing a small amount of rest and protein of your choice into your eating regimen.

Enhance your desire by incorporating various types. When you have strawberries for your breakfast, get one melon for lunch.


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