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How to Get Rid of Stomach Fat and Flab Without Starvation Diets and Back Breaking Exercises

The only thing is 100 ab crunches and 200 sit-ups will make you feel sore in the back and neck. The reason why this exercise has never worked to get your dream abs is simple.

If you now have belly fat or spare tire or Dunlap tire and you want to get rid of it, but have tried abdominal crunches and sit but they have never worked, then this is why. Abdominal fat is just like any other fat in the body, to get rid of it, you need to increase your metabolism throughout the body. This high metabolic rate will cause your body to convert fat to calories for fuel burning.

So to lose body fat is two folds.

The first thing you need to do is stop consuming more calories than your body needs in a day. This means eating more plant-based foods that are healthy, healthy and low in fat. Cut out all meat, seafood and high-fat dairy products but no fiber. Once your body stops consuming more calories in the body, it will start converting your belly fat into calories for energy, as there is now a deficit.

So now you burn more calories than you take but for faster results this is not enough. We need to advertise some aerobic activities on a regular basis, not crunches or sit-ups, this is not enough cardio to burn off the many fats we need aerobics, such as walking, jogging, swimming, biking and cross country. Anything that will increase our heart rate for a continuous period of 30-45 minutes will do.

This will increase the amount of calories needed to trigger this activity, and your body will burn more fat for energy. It burns fat from your stomach and exposes your abdominal muscles, which by the way we all have, most people are simply hidden under fat.

Therefore, you will eat as much as before, but the food you eat will be very low in calories. And additional exercises will make your body a fat burning stove.


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