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How Do Women Benefit From Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Estrogen and Progesterone are female steroid hormones that directly affect female sex drive, menstrual cycle and pregnancy. When women experience menopause, the presence of these hormones begins to decrease. To treat the side effects of menopause, doctors since 1930 have used estrogen and progesterone hormone replacement therapy. However, recently a hormone traditionally associated with male steroids, testosterone, has been identified as an important factor in female hormone replacement therapy, beyond menopause treatment.

Testosterone in Women

Women produce testosterone in their adrenal glands (like men) and their ovaries. However, the number produced is about one-tenth the number of men. And just like their male counterparts, women produce the deepest testosterone when they turn 20. Then the level drops dramatically after menopause. Similarly, women who underwent hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy (removal of both ovaries) reduced testosterone levels.

How Does Testosterone Help Women?


Just like men, testosterone increases female sex drive. In tests, testosterone levels in women increase when they become sexually aroused, and lower post-orgasm. Women with lower testosterone levels often have low libido or not.

Strength and Fitness

When men have low testosterone levels, one of the main side effects is losing muscle mass and gaining excess belly fat. Women, as early as 10 years before menopause, start to lose testosterone and also gain belly fat. Studies conducted over the past decade have found that women who are given testosterone in this condition are able to maintain a healthier body weight and tone.


Testosterone increases the level of norepinephrine in the brain with stimulatory and anti-depressant effects. Lower testosterone levels also contribute to fatigue. Women with normal levels of testosterone have a better mood.

When Do Women Need Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Most women who need testosterone replacement therapy experience menopause and, thus, lose their natural steroid levels. Young women who have had hysterectomy and / or bilateral oophorectomy and no longer have the ability to produce testosterone also benefit from receiving hormones. Similarly, women suffering from Addison's disease or adrenal damage can no longer produce normal hormone levels. However, there is more recent evidence that women with lowered libido, fatigue, depression, and mood swings have lower testosterone levels, so many hormones can help them as well. The doctor will take a blood test to determine if, under these circumstances, a woman can benefit from testosterone replacement therapy.

Intown Maintenance Care

Atlanta, Georgia


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