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Six Pack Abs and Body Fat

It's no secret to have the six packs of abs you need to reduce your body fat. The fact is that most people actually have six packs of abs, the main problem they face is that their abs are covered by a layer of fat that makes it impossible to see abs.

How much body fat do I need to experience?

If you want your abs to show, then you need to reduce your body fat. Obviously this is different for men and women. Women should target about 6-8% of body fat while men should target about 10% of body fat. (Men naturally have more fat on their bodies than women do.) The less belly fat you have, the clearer your abdominal muscles will appear.

How do I reduce body fat?

To lose body fat can be difficult; you want to target a reduction in your daily calorie intake. For example, in men it is 2500 calories a day and women are around 1900 calories a day. This will vary based on your height and how much muscle mass you have. Basically you should aim to reduce the amount of daily calories you eat each day. One way you can easily achieve this is by reducing the amount of sugar you eat each day.

In addition to reducing your calorie intake, you should also try to increase the amount of exercise you do. In particular, low-intensity workouts are proven to be better at burning fat than cardio - you see, your body uses carbohydrates as a source of energy when doing high-intensity workouts such as running, biking or swimming. But your body uses fat as its main source of energy when you do low-intensity workouts or tasks, such as typing or walking. For that reason, if you want to reduce belly fat you should aim to run at least 30 minutes 5 days a week.


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