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Exercise Is King - Really?

Have a word with my doctor on my recent visit, to be exact, to renew my tribe's prescription for my blood pressure problem, as there is plenty of information out there that tells you that this medicine, exercise, or even holistic medicine is better than anything you already have in your military supplies to reduce you, or anyone else, blood pressure, cholesterol, and so on.

One of the things I was worried about was that all the snippets of the report were saying how bad - or good - statins are to someone. And there are heaps of other comments, both for and against. And there is more information out there about this medicine. Even before I finished explaining my concerns, he had published a report from the medical world, which I read on my way home.

Now, I tend to be skeptical about what I read in the newspaper or even online, but I managed to pull some points from this report. That comes from a legitimate medical source.

It seems that if you have high cholesterol levels, such as angina, or if you have heart failure, stroke or TIA, Statin is recommended as it helps reduce the risk of this condition worsening, or delaying this outcome. Or you have a high risk of developing atheroma-related diseases. For example if you have diabetes. Your risk is considered high when your score is 10% or more so you may be able to develop the disease within the next 10 years.

The report states that your doctor should conduct a blood test before starting a statin drug, while at the same time he may check your cholesterol levels and your liver is functioning well. After starting the treatment, you are advised to have another blood test at 1-3 months and again at 12 months. To make sure that your heart is not affected by my medication. Also check your cholesterol levels to see how well your statins work.

There are some side effects, such as headaches, pins & needles, stomach aches, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, and rash. Unfortunately, taking statins can be associated with a aa36% increase in the risk of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Eating grapefruit, or drinking juice, is not recommended as it may increase statin levels in the bloodstream, but only with simvastatin atorvastatin or lovastatin.

Unfortunately, at this point, I refuse to conclude that I need to take it but after talking with my doctor, know that he will not force me to take it if I can, with good nutrition, regular exercise and keeping myself as stress free as possible, reduce my own cardiac incident on impact

Of course, I didn't take the information out of the report. As research is my second love after writing, I just have to get online, see what I find from other sources.

One of them stated that, after analysis of nearly 250,000 people, it was determined that simvastatin and pravastatin were found to have fewer side effects. Unfortunately, there is strong evidence that statins can lead to weight gain and a modest increase in diabetes risk.

It is advisable to tell your doctor if you have any unexpected muscle pain, tenderness, cramps or weakness.
But what they also find is that the benefits of taking statins, far outweigh the risks.

So, because my continued health is important to me, at least, I will always monitor my progress towards free medication. But keep taking my statins unless and until it is proven that they are detrimental to my continued health.


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