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Diet After Colon Surgery - 7 Tips

Colon surgery needs to be done to cure or eliminate digestive tract problems such as colon cancer. This type of surgery can save your life, as colon cancer is a very serious disease and requires immediate attention.

Given the important role of the colon in your body's digestion, your eating and drinking habits after surgery should follow a regimen that contributes to your continued digestive health. With the right diet after colon surgery, your body will be able to continue to absorb all the essential nutrients it needs to survive.

After colon surgery, you will notice some changes in the way your body processes food. For example, food tends to go through the digestive system faster. You may also have diarrhea, dehydration, bloating, gas, cramps or constipation.

Fortunately, the right diet can reduce many of these effects. Here are 7 tips on following a proper diet after intestinal surgery:

1. Avoid eating too many fruits and vegetables: Contrary to what you may think, eating too much fruit and vegetables can disrupt your digestive system after bowel surgery. In particular, avoid greasy vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage). When you eat vegetables, like carrots, try cooking them instead of eating them raw.

2. Avoid sugary foods and drinks: Your new digestive system may not work properly in processed foods and sugary drinks, such as fruits and fruit juices.

3. Eat lots of protein: Eggs, tuna and lean red meat in small portions are great options for getting the protein your body needs.

4. Try pudding, Jell-O, and yoghurt: These snacks are easy to digest by your body.

5. Eat wheat cream, pasta, potatoes: Patients with bowel surgeries find that they are able to process these foods because they are soft and do not interfere with the digestive system.

6. Take small portions of food, often: How you eat is just as important as what you eat. Take your food often but in smaller portions.

7. Fluids: Get plenty of fluids. Clear chickpeas are a great choice. Also, try sugar-free soda.

Remember, everyone's experience will be significantly different. Therefore, it is important to test each type of food gradually. That's the best way to find out what's going on, what's not in your case.


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