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Common Problems Mostly Encountered During Pregnancy

Morning Sickness is a combination of nausea and vomiting. This is a common problem early in the month due to various hormone production changes. It may be able to control morning sickness by making simple changes in the diet of pregnant women.

Eating crackers, dried fruits, or boiled sweet potatoes can help stick to your stomach in the morning and reduce gastric discomfort. Eating small but frequent meals can also reduce symptoms.

Maternal patients may also be disturbed by increased salivation, known as pytalism, which may increase the nausea they may have. Chewing gum may provide some relief.

As you've heard, many pregnant women crave weird foods. No one really knows why that desire develops, but these foods do not harm the unborn, and they can supply some special nutrients.

Another problem is heartburn, often caused by pressure on the stomach from the uterus and by relaxation of the valve between the esophagus and the stomach. Mom will also be distracted by stomach and intestinal gas. The answer is to avoid gases that produce foods like cabbage, cauliflower, and beans.

Constipation and diarrhea

Also related to food problems are two further discomforts: constipation and diarrhea. Pregnant women can relieve constipation by drinking more fluids and eating more fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables. Intestinal changes can cause diarrhea in this regard, eating bland foods such as rice, potatoes, crushed eggs, and bananas.

Diabetes is frequent

Most pregnant women suffer more often because of pressure on their uterus. Pregnant women need to drink plenty of water to avoid the risk of urinary tract infection. This is because hormones and uterine enlargement can slow down the urinary tract.

Urinary tract infections are common during pregnancy, possibly because the enlarged uterine slows down the flow of urine by pressing on the tubes that connect the kidneys to the urinary tract (ureter). When the urine flow is slow, bacteria may not be released from the urinary tract, increasing the risk of infection. This infection increases the risk of preterm labor and premature rupture of the membranes containing the fetus. Sometimes infections in the urinary tract or urethra spread to the urinary tract and reach the kidneys, causing infection as well.

Extreme fatigue may occur in pregnant women during pregnancy. Adequate sleep and sleep are needed to cope with extreme fatigue and fatigue.

In the second trimester of pregnancy the woman will experience cramps and swelling. Doctors do not know the true cause of foot cramps but think they may be related to changes in blood circulation. Another common problem is varicose veins, sharp veins that appear on the surface of the legs especially the calves.


It usually occurs between the 20th week of pregnancy and the first weekend after delivery. The cause of preeclampsia is unknown. But it is more common in pregnant women for the first time, carrying two or more fetuses, who have preeclampsia in previous pregnancies, who already have high blood pressure or blood vessel disorders, or who have sickle cell disease. It is also more common in women under 15 and in women over 35.


Most pregnant women have iron deficiency and develop it to some degree. Women need to double their iron intake during pregnancy. Iron is required to make red blood cells in the fetus. Taking iron pills is advised by your doctor to prevent iron deficiency anemia. Iron is also needed in the development of the fetal brain. When iron is low the risk of pretem labor increases.


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