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What Does Fish Oil Do: One Of Most Amazing Health Supplements You Can Take Daily

What fish oil does is an increasingly common question as more and more people learn about the health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids, where fish oil is one of the best sources.

However, there are also concerns from people with high cholesterol, as evidenced by questions such as: fish oil contains cholesterol?

The answer is yes, it may contain small amounts of cholesterol, but the person who asked this question asked the wrong question.

A common myth in Western society is that it is the cholesterol in the foods we eat that is responsible for high cholesterol. It's fake.

In fact, about 90% of the cholesterol in our body is produced by our liver. And only a small portion of our diet.

If you don't believe me, read on how cholesterol lowers statin prescription drugs. They all work the same way: shut down enzymes that help the liver produce cholesterol. In other words, it helps to make the body produce less cholesterol - it does not neutralize the cholesterol we get from our diet.

What Fish Oil Is

The fact is that there is ample evidence that fish oil supplements help improve cardiovascular health and the use of fish oil supplements can help improve HDL-cholesterol good cholesterol.

The message here is that cholesterol is a bogeyman. People will be better off if they stop focusing on cholesterol, and more on good cardiovascular health. In fact, cholesterol is an essential ingredient for the health of our whole body.

Just don't expect to hear from mainstream doctors, who all criticize bad and bad cholesterol as they take luxury drugs in various forms to promote these drugs, such as free vacation and paid for dinner.

So, the question is: whether fish oil contains cholesterol is not important in our opinion. People with high cholesterol need to focus on other lethal factors, such as whether they are high triglycerides and have a blood test performed to check for inflammation (blood test should check for C-Reative Protein).

This is a really important marker for heart disease. High cholesterol is just one.

And, in this case, fish oil can be a lifesaver. Studies have shown that the answer to the question: what fish oil does is that it does doing different things.

For example, fish oil consumption can be: lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart attack, can reduce sudden death by improving cardiovascular health, reduce arthritis and pain, and can improve brain health, which comprises a significant percentage of DHA and EPA omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil.

More and more physicians are beginning to believe that the leading cause of the disease inflammation. Unfortunately, most of the fried and processed foods we eat in the modern world contribute to inflammation.

The good news is that fish oil is strong anti-inflammatory and, therefore, taking high quality fish oil supplements daily can provide a great way to reduce or overcome inflammation in the body.

Fish oil is one of the few supplements that is often recommended to young and old. Many alternative health professionals now advise pregnant women to take purified fish oil (distilled molecules) for cognitive benefits to infants.

The baby's brain uses a large amount of omega 3 fatty acids in the form of DHA and EPA and with very few essential ingredients in today's diet, some alternative medicine practitioners say the best way to ensure a healthy start to baby's life is for mothers to use fish oil supplements quality.

For parents, the heart and brain benefits of fish oil are sufficient to justify their daily use.

Now that we know the answer to that question: what fish oil does, you should also be aware that fish oil is anti-coagulant. This means it drains blood. This may be beneficial to some people (such as those at risk for heart disease, as blood thinning helps it flow more easily through the arteries).

However, if you are already in another blood thinner, then using fish oil is too thin to get too much blood. Therefore, you should use a low dose of oil, or stop using one of the anti-coagulants.

But if the anti-coagulant you are using now is a prescription drug, be sure to Don't stop taking it without talking to your doctor first.

In short, using fish oil supplements is arguably one of the best things you can do to improve your health, now and in the future.


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