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Must Know Facts On How To Prevent And Cure Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a very common and dangerous disease. Although most common with menstruation, it is more common with men. Another worrying fact is that more teens are diagnosed with osteoporosis each year, a disease that is known to be a part of old age accidents. The new wave of healing and remedies should not be able to overcome the disease, let alone prevent it, and so many sufferers from this seemingly insurmountable situation continue to grow.

Modern medicine has lost a great deal of knowledge and ability when choosing to ignore the effects of our diet on our body. The result is usually only at the stage of the diagnosed illness that the patient is told to change his diet. Occasionally, he was not told to do so even at this stage. Understanding nutrition and its power has the potential to keep you healthy and without osteoporosis.

How to Prevent Osteoporosis:

To prevent osteoporosis, we must first understand what it is:

Lack of vital bone tissue causes bone to become more frequent. The main cause of osteoporosis is deficiency, and inability to absorb calcium.

By understanding this definition, we already know two things we must do to maximize our health potential when it comes to osteoporosis. The first thing we need to do is make sure we have enough calcium in our diet. The second thing we need to do is make sure we maximize our absorption capacity.

By adding these vegetables to our daily diet, we will maximize our body's calcium availability:

Artichoke, asparagus, kale, mustard leaves, soybeans, sweet potatoes, beet greens, Bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, swiss chard, green chard and pickled cucumber.

This vegetable is rich in calcium. Adding some of these vegetables to our diet will provide us with the first of two requirements, providing us with sufficient amounts of calcium.

The second part of the equation is the absorption of calcium into our body. There are several key factors that affect our absorption rate. The most important factor here is the presence of vitamin D. This vitamin is known as "sun vitamin", because our body is able to produce it as a result of sun exposure. As long as there's nothing wrong with this mechanism, fifteen minutes of daily sun exposure should provide us with the right amount of vitamin D to absorb the calcium we've added to our diet. If something goes wrong with our vitamin production mechanism, we can add some vitamin D rich foods to our diet. Products like goat milk, yogurt and mushrooms are rich in vitamins, but I recommend eating only a few, and to do so only if absolutely necessary. The reasons for avoiding these foods are many and complicated, and sometimes, eating them may cause more harm than good.

Avoiding Calcium Absorption Inhibitors:

Another part of this great equation is the absorption blocking factor. If we eat calcium-containing substances that are absorbed into the system, we will have a very difficult time winning the battle against osteoporosis. Habits such as alcohol, cigarette and marijuana use pose a risk when it comes to absorption. On this blacklist you will also find caffeine, soft drinks, sugar, sweeteners and meat.

I recommend that you follow these guidelines to prevent osteoporosis, as it is more difficult to cure and prevent it. Other things you need to add to your to-do list are some sports. Bones grow and thicken directly to the pressure they receive. Climbing, walking, and walking are just some of the activities you need to do regularly to encourage your bones to stay strong and healthy.


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