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Top 6 Foods to Eat When on a Diet

When you try to lose weight, how and what you eat plays a huge role in achieving your goals. It's hard to lose an extra pound. But knowing which foods to include in your diet helps to lose weight naturally.

Eating the right foods at the right amount of calories burns your appetite. Here is a list of 6 foods to help you in your diet:

1. Apple

Antioxidants in apples help prevent stomach "form" or excess fat around the middle, a condition known as metabolic syndrome. They are also great for low calorie snacks.

2. Oats

Eat oats for breakfast is a healthier choice than bacon and eggs. The best oats are of steel and roll type. These are minimum processed foods and contain up to 5 grams of fiber per serving. Eat fast food, on the other hand, has 3-4 grams per serving.

You can also use about a cup of wheat instead of breadcrumbs when preparing meat. This recipe works well for turkey buns and oatmeal meatballs.

3. Blueberries

Berries are a delight to eat, perfect for an afternoon snack. Healthy giveaways are those in blue. Of all the most common fruits, blueberries have the highest levels of antioxidants. In addition, a cup of blueberries packs 3.6 grams of fiber.

They are also healthy with cereals. Instead of a large fruit cereal bowl, fill your bowl with blueberries. Sprinkle the cereal on top, add yogurt or milk, and enjoy.

4. Wild salmon

Omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon increase insulin sensitivity which shrinks your waist and helps build and strengthen muscles. More muscle means your body burns more calories. Wild salmon also contains less pollutants and helps keep your heart healthy.

5. Avocado

Although avocado contains 29 grams of fat, it actually helps you lose weight. The mono-unsaturated fats in it are good for your heart and suppress your appetite, making it one of the main foods to eat during your diet.

It also acts as an alternative to mayonnaise when you make sandwiches. It has a high calorie level, so be careful about how much you eat.

6. Yogurt

Regular yogurt is often recommended by nutritionists and dieticians. Yogurt contains carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It helps maintain your blood sugar level and increases tension. When preparing potato salad or chicken, use plain low-fat yoghurt instead of mayo.

A small amount of yogurt with a bit of lemon juice is also very good with roasted potatoes. It saves 4.7 grams of fat per spoon. Go for Greek yogurt because it packs more protein than other types.


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