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Quit Smoking With Nature's Help

Smoking is very harmful to your health. Most smokers feel that nothing they are trying to stop. However, they may not be aware of the many natural ways that others use to end this destructive habit. You can stop smoking, if you plan, clean and support the body and use natural methods to curb nicotine cravings.

Most, if not all, people in the United States believe that smoking is unhealthy. Why do people smoke? The answer lies in the addictive nature of nicotine. Over 80 percent of smokers have declared that they want to quit and plan to do so at some point. Even heroin addicts admit that nicotine is actually the hardest drug habit to kick. (Haas, p.964)

Almost one third of cases of pancreatic carcinoma can be associated with smoking. Most lung cancers are caused by cigarettes. (Smokers are five to ten times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers). The more cigarettes you smoke a day and the earlier you start smoking, the greater the risk of lung cancer.

Smokers' children are at increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome, respiratory infections and lung cancer.

"Smokers' children have a higher incidence and severity of asthma, bronchitis, colds and ear infections. They also have impaired lung development and reduced lung function tests." American Journal of Public Health, p. 209, Feb. 1989)

If you eat a balanced diet, drink clean water and take vitamin supplements daily, you may find that you are generally healthy. However, if you smoke, this usually does not happen. Heavy smokers do not benefit from a healthy diet. Vitamin C blood levels are significantly lower in smokers. Zinc, Vitamin A and folic acid are often depleted in the body.

Now that we've covered just a few of the negative effects of smoking in the body, let's find out how - and without drugs! It may surprise you that there are ways to break this gruesome addiction without using prescription drugs for help.

Let's go. Let's now discuss some ideas on how to actually stop.

Are you trying to quit before and failing? Did you pause and then restart? You may feel that because you try and fail, it proves that you can quit. However, this is not the case. In fact, you get points every time you try to quit. You inevitably learn every time you try, which brings you closer to success in stopping. Most barriers do not do so on their first attempt. So think of it as your "training"! (3)

The main part of your smoking cessation plan, is to know what intervention you will use when you are hit with a desire to smoke. Try to avoid other smokers. Learn some deep breathing exercises that you can use to reduce stress. Exercise is also a great way to limit stress and keep you busy.

Something to consider when deciding to quit smoking is a way to get toxins from your body. One theory is that a lot of dependence comes from the heart. Cleansing and refreshing is an important first step in relieving this addiction. Liver detoxification reduces the desire for nicotine. (ESP, p. 279)

You can use echinacea to help remove nicotine from the lymphatic system and lungs. Vitamin C is a great chelator of toxic substances in the body. (This means it will "snatch" offenders and get rid of them through the rest of the system). The usual dose is 1000 mg four times a day. N-Acetyl-cysteine ​​1000 mg, two doses of glutamine 1000 mg, four capsules of Evening Primrose Oil and 20 Sun Wellness Chlorella tabs are good regimes for removing nicotine toxicity from the body. (Page 548)

It is important during your detox and when you stop "avoiding junk food and sugary sugars" (page p. 488) Ginseng can help you normalize your sugar cravings, such as stevia, stevioside or FOS. Detecting deficiencies of minerals and minerals can play a role in several addictions. Magnesium, potassium, calcium and zinc should all be included in your diet when you try to quit smoking. (ESP, pp.279)

The main concern when quitting smoking is desire! There are many options when it comes to this issue. Essential oils, vitamins and herbal teas are all on the "cravings" list.

Eating a diet that promotes alkalinity is said to indicate a lack of craving for tobacco. To calm your nerves, try Magnesium 800 mg daily, B-complex pressure 100 mg daily, valerian / wild drops in water. (Page, p. 548) Young Living Essential Oil offers a mix called "Peaceful and Attractive" which, some have reported, is all that is needed during rush hour.

Clove oil has also been reported by many to be very effective in their fight against nicotine cravings. In Stanley Burrough & # 146; It's & # 147; Master Cleanser & # 148; book, he states "For those who want to quit smoking, put some (clove oil) on your finger - put it on the back of your tongue and you immediately lose your desire to smoke. This is an easy way if you really want to quit." Peppermint has also been reported to be effective. Just touch it on the tongue, the same way you use clove oil to do it.

The only oils that can aid in quitting smoking besides cloves and peppermint, are cinnamon and nutmeg. Other oils that are recommended to reduce addictive behavior are Harmony, Thief, Release II, Peace and Fun, JuvaCleanse and JuvaFlex. It can be inhaled directly or dispersed, applied topically to temples and / or back of the neck four times a day, or used as a hot compress on the liver.

Quitting smoking is not an easy task to do. However, if you give your body the right tools, you can repair the damage done by smoking, you can reduce your cravings and YOU CAN SEND! Try out some of these simple, natural and effective helpers. Nature is the best medicine, so be confident and watch out!

Some resources for people who want more information:

Young Essential Oils, (

Easyway by Allen Carr at or

American Lung Association, ( (then click & # 147; quit smoking & # 148;)

Committed Quitters,

National Cancer Institute,

Smoking Center,

The Master Cleanser by Stanley Burroughs, order at or


1. Haas, Elson. Stay Healthy With Nutrition. Berkeley: Heavenly Art, 1992.

2. Essential Science Publishing (2004). References Essential Oil Tables, Ed. 3,

3. American Lung Quitting For Life Society Newsletter, 2003

4. Linda Page, Ph.D. Healthy Healing: A Guide to Self-Healing for Everyone, 12th Edition. Health Healing, Inc., 2004

5. Retrieved March 4, 2005 from


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