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Quickly Eliminate Unwanted Fat With Liposuction

Bigger than you want to be around the middle, thighs or hips? Then liposuction may be the answer you are looking for. If you've tried your diet and exercise, but haven't gotten the look, a little medical procedure can give you the trimmer body you want.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a medical procedure for removing excess fat from under the skin. A doctor enters a hollow tube, called a cannula, under your skin and exposes excess fat with a powerful vacuum.

Did the patient get up for this?

Most patients are usually placed under local anesthesia, but heavier sedation is provided for patients who want it. When patients require more than local anesthesia, an anesthesiologist is present. Even local anesthesia usually takes a few hours, so most patients do not need any additional pain medication to return home.

What Happens Before Surgery?

Patients should be hydrated the night before surgery. You will be asked to drink plenty of sports drinks to maintain your fluid and to prevent fluid movement during or after surgery. You will take 500 mg of vitamin C and multivitamin twice daily for approximately one week before the procedure. It helps with recovery. Discontinue any herbal supplement a few weeks before surgery (unless your doctor suggests otherwise). Some herbs interfere with your immune system. You will scrub the area around the cutting area for 10 minutes twice daily to help prevent infection from the procedure.

And After Surgery?

You may be asked to use Spandex or similar material around the cutting site for four days after surgery. Consistent use of compression clothing helps reduce swelling. It is important to sit straight when sitting down to keep the compression clothes off the bench and fail to achieve the intended purpose.

And then?

Start walking daily as soon as possible - within a day or two after surgery. Build your distance up to two or three miles per day. And watch out for possible complications. Report any shortness of breath to your doctor (this can be a sign of life-threatening blood clotting). Beware of cramps or excruciating pain near very slow incision or healing on the second or third day after surgery. If you have a lot of fat released, these risks increase, so be very cautious. Do not hesitate to report any concerns to your doctor.


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