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More Men Turn To Liposuction

Research by the Association of British Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) shows that more men are turning to liposuction in an effort to remove beer stomachs and 'moobs'.

Research shows that 18 percent of men underwent fat surgery in 2007, making it the second most popular male plastic surgery procedure after nose reconstruction. Other procedures such as facelift and breast surgery also gained popularity this year. The figures suggest a 61 percent increase in the number of men who run stomach tucks, and show that 27 percent more men turn to breast surgery to have 'moobs & # 39; they - the term slang for men's breasts - are reduced.

Nigel Mercer of BAAPS believes an increase in the number of men suffering from obesity and gynaecomastia, a medical term for male breast growth. She said: "We have seen more men with gynaecomastia in recent years. There are many reasons for male breast growth, including obesity, increased drinking and potential, more female hormones in the environment."

The actual number of men who opted for the liposuction procedure increased from 494 in 2006 to 582 in 2007. Doctors described this significant increase in people's emphasis on bodybuilding and youthful appearance. Dalia Nield, a plastic surgeon at the London Clinic, said: "In the past men may have had strange bodies, or developed breast implants, and now men know there is a solution. They consider surgery as a way of giving them a better quality of life. once for men to come to me because they want to look like a Chippendales. "

Increased liposuction may also be associated with the development of new less invasive procedures such as Smartlipo.

Although men undergo more plastic surgery procedures than ever before, 91 percent of all procedures are still performed on women.


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