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Laser Hair Removal - Precautions to Be Taken Before and After the Session

Laser hair removal has become a very popular treatment method used by people all over the world to get rid of unwanted body hair. It is a fast, reliable and effective procedure that offers great results. However, it is a complicated process that needs to be respected by following certain precautions before and after the session, to get the best results.

Precautions to be taken before the session

The different precautions to take before the laser hair removal session are as follows:

  • You cannot be tanned as it can be very dangerous and cause white spots on your skin

  • You should not opt ​​for waxing or tweezing before 2 to 3 months of treatment

  • You need to shave this region for treatment, before 24 to 48 hours start the session

  • If you have herpes (cold sores), it is necessary to treat the infection at least two weeks before the laser session. If not, it is advisable to suspend the session.

  • If your skin is very sensitive, you should use anesthetic cream approximately 1 hour before the session.

Precautions to be taken after the session

After a laser session, it is not uncommon to see temporary redness (erythema) or bumps on the skin. They are temporary and will disappear within minutes or hours after the session is over. If they do not disappear, you should consult your doctor and take appropriate medications to treat them. In rare cases, minor burns may also occur. These burns require special treatment. Don't hesitate to contact your laser doctor about the same.

Sun exposure should be avoided at least one month after the session. You are advised to use sunscreen with a SPF of 60 and above. If possible, you are advised not to immerse yourself in the sun.

Hair will fall within 2 to 4 weeks after treatment. However, you can't try picking them with the help of your thumbs or fingers. You need a hot shower and let the hair fall naturally. After 2 to 3 days of sessions, you can apply free fragrance, gentle soap in the treatment area. You can get back to work once you're done.

It is advisable not to apply any chemicals or cosmetics in the treated area for a few days after the session.


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