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Helpful Advice on Caring for Senior Cats

Sooner or later, your beloved cat will begin to age and change. This usually occurs between the ages of seven and ten. However, some people are fortunate enough to endure big changes for up to 12 years. When the time comes, you need to make some changes in the way you look after your pet. Read on for helpful advice on caring for the right cat.

Most owners take their cats to the vet for annual examinations. Older cats need to be seen by their veterinarian more often than their younger counterparts as the risk of problems increases. It is best to schedule a health exam every six months.

You also need to change what you eat your right cat a bit. Older people who are less active but are still fed the same amount of calories are likely to lose weight. Obesity is especially a problem for the elderly, so a diet approved by your doctor will definitely be organized.

When treating a cat right, always make sure they always have access to fresh drinking water. Dehydration is easier to treat as a cat first. Their organs will not respond well to chronic dehydration either. Kidneys usually give parents the most trouble, and frequent drought definitely won't do these vital organs.

Just like humans, arthritis is a problem for older cats. When arthritis is fixed, your cat will not be physically as normal. Don't be surprised if he stops climbing stairs or jumps out the window. Arthritic cats may have trouble getting into their trash. If you find that you have a problem with this, you can fix it by getting a shorter box or even placing a set of stairs next to it.

Dental care is important for cats of all ages. For older cats, it has become increasingly important. The risk of developing dental disease only increases with age. This disease can cause enough pain to keep your cat fed.

Your cat may also lose energy to take good care of himself. You don't want him to develop a dry or excessive coat. Matting can also be a problem if you have long hair. You can help your right cat by brushing it daily, or at least several times a week.

The changes that occur in your right cat are not just physical. He can also bring up mental issues like old man. He may be traveling for a while or he may not be happy. Some cats are more adventurous and may be too much to like. When treating a cat, it is important to remember that they cannot respond well to changes. Try to keep everything in the house just as they would with a regular routine.

There are some common diseases that occur in older cats. Hypertension, kidney issues, hypertension and diabetes mellitus are among the most common. Different types of cancers are also greater for older cats.

With the increased risk of the disease, it's important to monitor your cat carefully for changes. If you see anything out of the ordinary, you may want to let your doctor know about it. Examinations that are conducted twice a year are expected to catch any disease early, which is expected to ease it.


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