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Healing Ulcers With Cabbage Juice

Abdominal ulcer is a painful open wound found in the digestive tract. Ulcers can be triggered by stress, and poor diet, but the main cause of ulcer is infection caused by H. pylori bacteria. This bacterial organism weakens the protective coating of the stomach and duodenum and allows digestive juices to irritate the sensitive layer below. Bacteria have been found in the saliva of some infected people until they are believed to be spread through kisses, possibly through food or water. The use of too much aspirin and ibuprofen has also been documented as a common cause of ulcers. There are several risk factors that increase the chance of eradication of ulcers including age, alcohol abuse, diabetes, and smoking. The pain from ulcers comes from the relationship between open wounds and acidic digestive juices. Eating brings relief while the acids are neutralized, but the pain returns when digested. Using a control group of 100 people with peptic ulcer, Dr. Cheney found that drinking 4 cups of raw crude juice caused the healing of peptic ulcer within 4 to 10 days, with no change in their diet. X-ray examination confirms healing faster than cabbage juice compared with treatment given in hospitals that take an average of 30 days. Peptic drugs are present in the stomach lining, while duodenal ulcers are present in the upper small intestine.

The healing properties found in cabbage come from two anti-ulcer compounds, glutamine (an amino acid that channels the cells into the stomach and intestines) and S-methyl-methionine (labeled as Vitamin U by Dr. Cheney). Glutamine is available in capsules for those who are too busy for cabbage juice, and has proven to be an antacid antidote. Juicing cabbages is easy, and is done by cutting your head into segments small enough to fit into your juicer feeding chute. When using cabbage juice, it is advisable not to drink more than 4 oz at a time to avoid stimulating gastric juice, which can cause intestinal cramps and gassiness as the sulfur in the juice reacts with existing intestinal bacteria. Mixing cabbage juice with carrot juice can help reduce the effects of sulfur and intestinal wall tone. In addition to its ability to cure stomach ulcers, cabbage is also recognized as a successful treatment for several other health conditions including colitis and constipation. It is also known to help clear acne, and to cure infected gums. It is important to choose a firm cabbage head without any loose breaks or color changes, which means losing nutritional value.


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