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Fish Oil for Pregnancy: The Benefits for Baby and Mother

Every expectant mother knows there are certain nutrients that need to be included in her diet for the developing baby's health. Among the nutrients such as folic acid, vitamins, and calcium needed by mothers and babies, there is one called omega-3. Omega-3 is an unsaturated fatty acid essential for brain and eye development, and has many different health benefits. Although most doctors make it a point to recommend daily intake of prenatal vitamins, they often do not mention omega-3 supplements, although most American diets lack this essential fatty acid.

What can fish oil do for pregnancy? Fish oil supplements are high doses of omega-3s and are made from fish that are high in these essential nutrients. Pregnant women are often told to eat 2 servings of fish a week; they are recommended to eat more than that because of the risk of mercury. There are many other toxins that pregnant women need to be careful about, especially in fish, and fish oil supplements are a great way to benefit from eating fish without the risk of drinking pollutants.

However, not all omega-3 supplements are safe; you only need to use fish oil supplementation that has been through molecular distillation. This process purifies fish oil by separating toxins and pollutants, and also makes the supplement less likely to become rancid.

How to Benefit a Baby from Pregnancy Fish Oil

During pregnancy, the unborn baby receives nourishment from the mother, either through the food that the mother eats or from her own body. The baby really needs omega-3s for the growth of the brain and nervous system, so if the mother doesn't get enough in her diet, the mother's supply of these essential fatty acids will be depleted. However, studies have shown that if a mother has high levels of omega-3 during pregnancy, the baby will receive longer attention and thus better study skills. Visual learning skills also show better in the babies studied. Both of these traits can lead to babies with higher IQs, something every mother wants for a baby.

Many developmental disorders can be done by using omega-3 supplements in the form of fish oil capsules. Another thing that has a detrimental effect on baby's health is premature birth, and the use of fish oil for pregnancy can actually help prevent it. Among women who were previously given birth, "the premature birth rate decreased to 21% in women supplemented with fish oil", a study found. One can also assume that the high rates of premature births in the United States coincide with the average American diet that is poor in omega-3.

Why Women Should Use Fish Oil for Pregnancy

Many pregnant women have heard the term "preggo-brain" and have caused it to increase in hormones, but in fact may be due to low levels of omega-3. After all, if a woman doesn't eat enough omega-3s then the baby is taking it from her own mother's supply. Mothers need omega-3s for brain function, which is important in mood regulation, memory recall and learning. By taking fish oil supplements, pregnant women can guarantee that their omega-3 supply is replenished and that the baby will get enough omega-3 as well.

These fatty acids are not only good for the brain but also for the heart. They lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of preeclampsia. They also increase blood flow and reduce inflammation. Omega-3 can also be used to prevent postpartum depression.

Fish Oil and Breastfeeding for Smarter Babies

Omega-3 is also important after pregnancy when breastfeeding, as it is passed along with the baby. The amount passed to the baby is related to the mother's diet so the more omega-3s she eats, the more babies get. This helps children become smarter and, with the added benefit of breastfeeding, is healthier.

When it comes to premature babies, omega-3 is even more important. There is a six-year study conducted to keep women taking fish oil capsules for their pre-term infants. It shows that about 50% of these babies have slowed down their mental development compared to other babies with a low omega-3 diet.

There is no doubt that these fatty acids are important for the health of the mother and baby. It could be said that one of the most important things a mother can do to ensure a bright future for her child is to add omega-3s to both of their diets. An easy and safe way to do that is through fish oil supplementation.


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