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Finding the Motivation to Start Your Gluten Free Lifestyle

If you have been diagnosed with Celiac disease, it may be too much to be told that you need to go on a gluten-free diet. You may not be sure what gluten is and how to begin to eliminate it from your life. Learn the importance of gluten-free to prevent further damage to your body and how to stop certain harmful and addictive eating behaviors and ultimately lead to long-term health problems.

Finding the motivation to start your gluten-free lifestyle can be difficult if you are facing this alone. But know that you are not alone in finding answers because there are many Celiac organizations and support groups in your area. For more information on this, go to It is a great website loaded with useful information.

Your doctor may recommend that you start taking gluten-free vitamin B complex along with calcium and magnesium supplements that can help with your gluten-free diet. If you do further research, you will find out the vitamins and supplements recommended for Celiac. You can find this information online for free.

Gluten is found almost everywhere. But there are also many gluten free products on the market today and I don't mean just food products. I talk about products like shampoo, soap, makeup, toothpaste, and more. Unfortunately, most of these products do not say gluten to them so you need to read the labels. It extends to vitamins and medicines as well.

Now, let's talk about turkey ... I mean food of course. You will be happy to know that gluten free foods last longer than "bad" foods. One of the most comprehensive and informative lists I've found to make this term easy to read is the Gluten-Free Diet for Families Guide. Just type it into your search engine and download the free pdf version. I will then print out some information to have useful at all times. You will eat lots of healthy vegetables and low fat fruits, as well as healthy fats such as beans, olive oil and avocado. You need to avoid starchy foods and sugars but, hey, that works for all of us!

The point is that there is a lot of help out there for the motivation you need to get started. Search the forums and read other people's stories and how they got started. The benefits of losing weight, looking good and feeling good while keeping the illness at bay are priceless.


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