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Eczema Diet Plan For The Winter

You should make some adjustments to your eczema diet by next winter. In the winter, moisture falls in the cold months, making the air dryer. As an eczema sufferer, you may find that winter is extremely difficult with dry, cracked skin. This tends to worsen and worsen the intensity of your hives. Instead of looking at your best festivals, you are affected by the poor appearance of your skin and choose not to socialize.

While there is nothing you can do about the climate, you should double your efforts to keep your skin hydrated. Start a more intensive moisturizing regimen in the fall and continue through the winter to reduce drought.

Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Temperatures during the winter can drop drastically. During this time, your eczema diet should contain plenty of warm fluids, such as herbal tea and soups.

Your eczema diet may require some adjustments in the winter, to take into account the absence of certain foods during the winter. Therefore, substitute other foods for the type of regular food that is temporarily unavailable.

Here's an eczema diet plan for the winter:

1. Ensure good calcium intake of good foods from greens and fish oils.

2. Reduce animal protein intake. While you can still go for turkeys, continue to eat cold water fish twice a week, such as salmon, trout, cod, herring, and mackerel for good eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) content. EPA metabolizes the body into prostaglandins, a substance that promotes healthy skin.

3. Take unprocessed cereals, such as brown rice, for your carbohydrate needs. This includes finding the grains as ingredients in the bread or pasta you buy. If your toddler is suffering from eczema, try giving birth to cereals, or red rice in porridge.

4. Effective eczema foods typically have 80 percent of their fresh fruits, vegetables and juices. If possible, eat half of these in raw form. You can treat other foods as side dishes for the main dish 'fruit'. and your vegetables at every meal.

5. Add pulses, such as soy beans, dried beans, lentils, flavored soups, casseroles and salads, about 2-3 times a week.

6. Pure and cold pressed sesame oil is an excellent source of essential fatty acids, either omega-6 or linoleic acid and omega-3 or alpha-linolenic acid. The body converts it to EPA and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) to help keep your skin healthy. Use only in bandages; do not subject to heat.

7. Take some pumpkins, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, or walnuts daily. These foods contain zinc and vitamin B6, which are essential for the metabolism of essential fatty acids. This is often due to the eczema sufferers.


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