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Diets For Pregnancy - A Must For All Mothers

As a mother, the welfare of your baby is entirely in your hands and how well you can take care of yourself before pregnancy, during pregnancy and of course after pregnancy. These three levels are very important for all pregnant women and, therefore, require a specific diet. While the diet for the first stage will help prepare your body for conception, the diet for the second stage will help maintain the conception of giving birth and keeping both mothers and children healthy, the diet for the third stage will help the mother and baby adapt to the changes after the first stage. and second.

For all mothers, especially if this is your first time, the following tips will guide you through choosing a healthy diet for pregnancy especially before pregnancy, during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Pre-pregnancy diet

Folic Acid Fatty Foods: Studies show that the earlier you start consuming foods rich in folic acid before fertilization, the less likely your baby will be to produce a neutral tube effect. Most cereals and greens are naturally rich in folic acid.

Drop Junk Foods: this includes refined sugar, Danish, cakes, donuts, and fine white flour. Eating snacks can increase the risk of vomiting and severe pregnancy.

Increasing Respectful Eating Foods: Increase the intake of foods that will create a healthy atmosphere for your baby. Foods such as green vegetables, nutritious yellow carrots, papaya, mango and apricot, hearty cereals, red rice, oatmeal and low-fat milk.

Even Pregnant Diet

During the first three months of pregnancy, eating a diet rich in protein, this will provide your baby with building blocks for cells and is critical as your unborn baby develops organs during the first three months of your pregnancy.

Non-vegetarian mothers can eat turkey, tuna, chicken and beef; These foods are high in protein and will provide you and your baby with enough protein when you take just one ounce. Fruits such as almonds, papaya, apricot and cinnamon are packed with vitamins and minerals that are child-friendly. Vegetarian mothers can get an incredible supply of protein from beans, eggs and bean butters and can also take fruits to supplement other nutrients they need.

Post Pregnancy Diet

Foods that are taken after pregnancy are usually due to three reasons, the first of which is to help the body adapt to changes after childbirth; The second reason is to help the body provide the baby with all the nutritional needs, while the third reason is to help the mother physically.

A good pregnancy diet is one that has the right mix of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates and takes into account the calorie needs of moms caring that the baby will be breastfed. After pregnancy, a woman's metabolic rate may temporarily drop, so it is advisable to maintain a low-fat and carbohydrate diet.


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