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Yeast Intolerance: Is It Time for You to Switch to a Yeast Free Diet?

Many people are confused by yeast intolerance and yeast allergies. According to the study, one percent of the population is actually allergic, with about one in three people experiencing food intolerance to one of the four major groups - lactose, gluten, yeast and fructose. If intolerance is left without treatment, it has the potential to cause serious health problems, and this occurs with this type of intolerance.

The Main Causes of Yeast Intolerance

In our body, there are many yeasts present to make things work properly, and as a general rule, this does not cause problems so there are too many yeast bacteria. There are several things that can cause yeast bacteria (candida) to develop and can potentially make you sick from taking contraceptive pills, stress, bad diets, and even unhealthy lifestyles. You will find that there is good bacteria in the body, and this helps keep Candida in check, but when something happens to the body to interfere with this stage, Candida has the opportunity to multiply at a great rate, and can cause problems.

How To Know If You Have Yeast Infection

Like most medical conditions, there are a few things you should look for in this intolerant attitude. The problem is, many of these symptoms are actually associated with other medical complaints so self-diagnosis is not a good idea! The main symptoms are:

  • Skin problem
  • Headache
  • Inflatable
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Excessive bloated stomach
  • Thrush
  • Repeated yeast infections
  • Diarrhea
  • Cravings for sweets make you irritable if you don't have them

How To Deal With It

There is a very simple approach to dealing with yeast intolerance, and for the most part, this means cutting out all foods that contain high levels of yeast in them. These include alcoholic beverages, candies, chocolates, cakes and pastries as well as things like bread, vinegar, and main seasonings containing vinegar. Usually this yeast free diet will last anywhere between three and six months, but the recommended time is usually around six weeks. After this time has passed, you can start incorporating these "bad" foods into your diet, one by one, while keeping a diary. This dietary diary lets you see how your body responds to the high levels of yeast you eat. If the reaction is bad, you can pin down exactly what caused it, and then take active steps to avoid it.

You can use a yeast free diet at any time and for some people it is a perfect way to get rid of bloating or just generally cleanse your body to start over again. Taking the right steps, you can avoid these intolerances together.


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