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IBS Symptoms and Causes

Acute bowel syndrome or IBS is one of the most common problems affecting the digestive system. It is a long-term condition that can develop at any age and anywhere, but is more common in women aged 15 to 40 years.

The sad thing about such a syndrome is that it is often misdiagnosed, or ignored. Some people have it for years before they get medical help. This is because the symptoms are fairly common and can easily be confused with simple diarrhea, constipation or something else. Therefore, it is very important to know the symptoms and causes of IBS, so that people are more aware of it and can seek medical help immediately.

Don't suffer longer than you need to. Here are the common symptoms and causes of IBS.


The most common symptom of severe intestinal syndrome is abdominal pain. It can range from slight discomfort to severe pain, which may be alleviated or aggravated by eating, releasing gas, or having intestines.

IBS is primarily a function of the digestive system, which means that the digestive tract is not functioning properly. This leads to abnormal digestion, mixing, transport and absorption of various organs in the digestive system.

If transportation is too fast, people with IBS may have diarrhea; while exceptional waste transport causes constipation. Both conditions are present in people with IBS. They have chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, or flu and constipation. For some people, each episode is worse than the previous one.

You may feel that you have not finished eliminating your waste after bowel movement, further complicating the discomfort you feel. White mucus may also be present in your stool.

Furthermore, patients with the syndrome often feel bloated or swollen in the abdomen.

For some women, their symptoms are usually seen during menstruation.


To date, no studies on IBS have found conclusive reasons for such a syndrome. There are theories on what can cause them, as well as a list of triggers that trigger a person's predisposition to develop such a syndrome.

For one, gastrointestinal infections have been known to increase the likelihood that someone will develop this syndrome almost six times. People who have been taking antibiotics for a long time are also more likely to develop such a syndrome.

Other studies have suggested the relationship between the syndrome and the immune response and other physiological factors such as excessive flora, protozoal infections, blastocystis, and other types of harmful bacteria.

Contrary to popular belief, stress is not indicated to cause the syndrome. Along with changes in diet and lifestyle, stress management is a recommended course to help address the pain associated with this syndrome. This does not mean that stress causes irritable bowel syndrome, as IBS can make you feel stressed.

There is currently no cure for bowel syndrome. Most people with IBS can do is manage their symptoms. It is useful to know these symptoms and causes so you know when to get help. It can also help you avoid yourself from your own mistakes.


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