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Fail-Safe Ways to Make and Keep Promises and Resolutions

Are you among the millions of people who want to make positive changes in their lives, express their intentions to family and friends, and then experience the lack of results you want? Besides being very embarrassing, it humbles you when you make sincere promises and resolutions and have little, if any, to show your good intentions and attempts to change.

Do you want to make and keep promises and resolutions almost 100% of the time? What I'm about to reveal is based on practical neuroscience. It requires less energy and time than traditional methods. Moreover, there is no guilt involved in this safe and secure method.

Understanding the practical neuroscience behind making and keeping promises and resolutions is key to your success. It is not enough to express an intention, maybe write it on an index card and believe that the change will happen miraculously. This is why most people fail.

What are promises and resolutions?

Healthy promises and resolutions involve changing your life because you see the potential. These changes can alleviate suffering and pain or give you something that makes life stressful. Healthy, positive promises and resolutions don't harm you or anyone else, they just happen.

Examples of promises and resolutions include:

· Be more honest and authentic

· Achieving financial peace of mind

· Eliminate fear and anxiety from your life

· Build strong and caring relationships

· Educate yourself

· Experience better health

· Pay off the mortgage

· Lose 30 pounds

Your current thoughts and behaviors are the result of years of personal and community programming. What you hear, see, and experience is directly recorded in your memory bank; repetition and the level of emotional energy determine the strength of memory. Your memories are what drives your thinking and how you respond and respond to life. Not all of your programming has worked well; If that happens, nothing will change.

The bottom line is to recognize that "change" does not always come easily or quickly. This is because you have to overcome the patterns and patterns of memory by building a new, more powerful one that replaces and overhauls that don't work.

How to make and keep promises and resolutions

Take time to think deeply about these questions. It's important to write down your answers and maybe have a lively discussion with someone you trust, who cares about your well-being. This transformative method of practical neuroscience builds new neural pathways for a better and less stressful life.

· What you want to achieve? State specific results, such as "I weigh 30 pounds, feel energetic and run for 7 minutes; I hear people ask how I do it." Avoid saying things you don't want to do, like "I don't want to be fat anymore and hear people say I should lose my belly fat and exercise," because your brain will focus on being fat and hearing negative comments. Put your desired results into the "language of the moment" as if you had achieved what you wanted. These simple actions will make your brain think differently and escape negative programming. Write down the results you want, see them and say them out loud every day, with confidence and confidence. It's important that you choose what you want to change carefully; view change as a "triage". Choose the one that has the highest long-term value and improve the quality of your life. Reach out one by one before moving on.

· What specific behaviors support what I want to achieve? If you have trouble thinking about this, start with the negative behavior that creates what you want to change. Turn every negative behavior into a positive and proactive one. Examples are "Eat too many rich and unhealthy foods" to "Eat five small meals consisting of a healthy balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats." Be very specific in describing behaviors that represent you as "new." Develop and write between three and five new behaviors. Build a "mind map;" cut out a photo from a magazine or download an image from the internet that visually depicts your new actions, activities and manners. This practical neuroscience step is your navigation system for "new and improved".

· What will life be like, when I experience my new behavior? Imagine that you have achieved the desired change and results in your life. What does it look, feel and sound like? Are you more fulfilled and in control of your life? Do you inspire others? Can you see yourself helping others improve their quality of life? Again, create a mind map and / or create storyboards that showcase your new life. You may want to combine this with previous visual images. These steps motivate your brain and focus on what you want to achieve, how to do it with your new behaviors and your new life.

In conclusion, most people fail to keep their promises and resolutions because they do not understand the practical neuroscience process to re-program their brains for new behaviors. You can trust your brain to achieve new results after you explain what you want in certain positive terms and imagine living it with your new behaviors and activities. Associating your desired results with deep positive feelings keeps you focused and motivated. Daily visions of engaging and engaging visual images speed the building of new brain pathways for a better life. Making one resolution or promise at a time maximizes success over a shorter period of time.


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