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Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Everyone is different, but there are some general guidelines for following a diet for bowel syndrome. Anyone suffering from IBS may be reminded of one or two foods that make IBS symptoms worse. There may be some other unhealthy foods that may also cause IBS symptoms.

Try eating some smaller meals throughout the day than the big three. This can help reduce IBS symptoms. Some IBS patients find that after a large meal, they may experience cramps and diarrhea.

Many people also find that it helps maintain their high in carbohydrate foods such as pasta, fruits, cereals, wheat bread, rice and vegetables. They also want to eat low-fat foods. High protein, low fat diets can also help reduce the pain you experience after eating.

Here are some foods that can cause IBS attacks:

o Alcohol

o Artificial fat

of Coconut

o Dairy products

o Fried food

o Snacks and chicken meat

o Shorten

o Artificial sweetener

o carbonated drinks

o Copying- even decaf

o Egg yolk

o Oil

o Red food

o Solid brown


Soluble fiber has many benefits that can help reduce IBS symptoms. Because the fiber seems to keep the colon from slipping, the cracks can be prevented. Fiber absorbs water. This helps the stool to be less difficult so you may have difficulty delivering it. You need to add enough fiber to the IBS diet to keep the stool soft and easy to reach. When you first go for a high fiber diet, you may notice an increase in bloating and gas. However, these symptoms will subside when your body adjusts to a few weeks.

Source of Soluble Fiber

Here are some sources of soluble fiber that you should eat on your IBS diet:

of Barley

or Currants

of Figs

o Fresh beans

of Citrucel

of Oatmeal

or Prunes

of Raisins

o sour bread

o Brown rice

o Dried beans

o French bread

Oat bran

o Pasta

of Metamucil

of Rice

or soya

These are some foods that may cause excess gas so you may want to try avoiding them on your IBS diet initially. You can then slowly add them to your diet, one by one, to see if there is a reason for your symptoms:

o Peanuts

of Brussels sprouts

of Cauliflower

of Leeks

o Onions

o Banana

of Broccoli

o Cabbage

o Garlic

or Nuts

of Raisins

Lactose intolerance

When the body cannot digest milk sugar, or lactose, it is known as lactose intolerance. Some symptoms include bloating, gas and even pain. If you suspect that you may be lactose intolerant, you should avoid milk and all dairy products and see if your symptoms improve. You need to make sure your body receives enough calcium in other ways - through calcium supplementation or eating other calcium-rich foods.


Taking lactobacillus acidophilus or "friendly bacteria" can also help with digestion. This helps keep the bacteria "good" in your gut. You can easily find these "good" bacteria in yogurt. Yogurt is also a good source of calcium, and is better received than some other dairy products.

Food Diary

You may be facing a major challenge when it comes to figuring out what foods will harm or help IBS. When you are on a diet for bowel syndrome, the best thing to do is keep a food journal. You will be able to easily tell which foods are safe to eat and which foods can trigger your IBS symptoms.

Remember to try and maintain your diet for bowel syndrome. You may be surprised at how relieved your symptoms are with a proper diet.


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