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Cancerous Lung Tumour Encounter

Finding it difficult to breathe. The coughing is relentless, even the blood. I ended up going to the emergency room at our hospital. The nurse said that I just had to go to my own doctor. I replied that my doctor had retired and had a 2 year waiting list for a new doctor in Muskoka. Being a Christian, I call on God to help me. Wow, then things started to get faster. 3 Doctors, one to see and one to scan my chest and another to confess.

Tumor was found. High blood pressure, low thyroid and low magnesium, low potassium caused me to put in some medicine. Then on an ambulance with a nurse to the New Market for a bronchoscopy by Dr. The toth also stopped the bleeding. $ 240. then for an ambulance trip and I returned to Muskoka in bed with an addiction to the allergic reaction to the rubber used on me at New Market hospital. Prednazone is a 10-day prescription that causes Thrush, so another magic pill to fix it.

I am in a dilemma that my daughter-in-law and my dear husband have overcome. I really need a family doctor so they go to seduce and convince Dr.Liao in Bracebridge for me.

That happened on the week of 13.19-21. After a phone call and a new doctor's appointment with Dr. Liao, I have to go back to New Market for a Dec. 30 diagnosis. Rare tumors with cancer (non-masters) are their finding in my right lung, which is the wind pipe, causing the lungs to collapse in part. I told Jesus. She said 'Hold on!' Death is approaching, very close.

Many visits to hospitals and specialists and surgeons in Barrie and Toronto followed. Finally my decision. Make it or die. I hope that Jesus will appear and show His power to heal. I attended some faith healing meetings where the preacher had 3 cancer attacks and God healed him out of 2, but three surgeries were needed. I came home knowing that God had a surgeon for me.

Surgery was the only option because of the chemotherapy and the inadequate radiation on this tumor that had grown into my drowning and cut off air to my right lung until the upper lobe collapsed.

On the 14th of April, 2020 my right lung was moved along with a piece of my tumor holding a tumor, as well as several lymph nodes.

All right and Corey, Murv my husband and Casey and Marianne see me through and after 3 months I can handle the pain. Many prayers from many sources are offered to me as well.

Jesus was there for me, as was my family, especially my daughter-in-law Marianne and my son Casey. They called every day after I came home, often visiting and giving them a lot of time and attention. I cried out to Jesus many times from my pain. I was also amazed by the quick response of many doctors involved in many countries of the world. Different colors, languages ​​and religions, but very much in line with my fate.

As a Christian, I was very interested in putting myself through my fate and leaving this life through cancer exit to the glorious place I had heard since childhood. I think that if God didn't heal me, I'd expect the medical community to do it.

'Death is part of life' my husband always said. But as I lay down 24 hours a day, I realized that if the tooth decayed, I would remove it. A very special young doctor in Barrie would not hear me give up and send me to Toronto. The third surgeon we met at Toronto General Hospital was very convincing and fully convinced that he could perform this procedure for me. So Dr.Cypel, it is true that he succeeded.

It's been 9 months now since surgery and several scans, xrays and bronchoscopies so far. I get better every week with my good husband who always supports me. Wedding work. Payments are the key to getting through. Appreciation for the medical staff at the place for patients to grow within us as a family.

It's been over a year and a half since I left the malignant tumor in the investigation. I've never heard of any discoveries until now.

Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a new blood test I need to see. One of my 7 sisters has the same condition. It requires more thyroxin but must be monitored by the specialist. Hopefully that will bring my energy level. Update; April 2018 and experts say there is no 'standard', help received for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis but my thyroxin needs to be doubled gradually. With the wound of Jesus' wounds I heal must apply here. amen. I've lost 15 pounds of fat so far. HalleluYah!

Jesus healed me day by day and my time was by my side again. I can trust Him to take care of me until my last days here. Weight loss through all of this is a concern and as I heal more, I can concentrate on losing this sweet body for over £ 77. The fatty liver condition will definitely be eliminated by the PAI diet I use. Update; October.2,2018 I lost another 10 lbs. and Hashimotos' numbers have fallen with prayers and meds working together. My strength came back as I celebrated my 70th birthday with the joy of thanking our Lord Jesus for helping me survive. I'm breathing in another 80%. My blood pressure is almost normal.

We have had a lot of stress over the years with family, young and old deaths, separation, church split, how young people are working north in Nunavit, forest fires on the French River near many of our families, dry wells, and childhood illnesses. grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We just hold on to Jesus and walk by faith in faith in the great resurrection of Canada. If you are going through the same thing just take a day at a time and be thankful to be together. Many suffer the righteous but God saves us from all of them. People!


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