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4 Tips to Reduce the Double Chin

It is astonishing how the double chin seems to have come out of nowhere. It's as if you have no warning signs and you never saw it coming.

There are many bad stigmas that have double chin. No one has ever praised you for "how good your chin is!" Some of us just suffer in silence and just put it down to age. But is that true? Just because you may be approaching a certain age does not mean that you will automatically receive and receive additional chin.

Just look around you at people of the same age. As you can clearly see, not all of them will be blessed with various chin. Some people will and some won't do it. I won't.

There is a good chance that the double chin is either caused by loose skin or, as with most people, fat deposits. Just as excess fat is stored around the waist, it can also be stored under the jaw. It may not be good but it is good. In a weird way. The reason is the good news that if fat deposits are due to some lifestyle changes, fat can be diverted from the body. So watch what you eat and do some exercise.

Here are 4 more tips to help cut your chin twice:

1] Your double chin can build up excess fluid. Some physicians feel that having an extra chin is a sign of a weakened lymph system. Massage can help remove fluid.
Place your thumb under your jaw and fingers over the bone. Then move your thumb tips toward the ear with a firm, gentle shot.

2] When exercising, do not overlook the muscles of the jaw and neck. Because there are 35 of them, ignoring them can make them loose from being inactive, just like any other muscle. Simple exercises like moving your head up and down, side-to-side movements will help work 35 muscles.

3] If you don't talk much, start talking. Move that jaw. Learn to laugh big. Try and eat something very chewy. All the simple things will work with the facial muscles.

4] Be honest with yourself. Can you do it by losing weight? Just like controlling love, many people find that they can lose extra parts like pots and chin doubles when they lose weight.

But after all this, I found that the double chin is genetic. If this is the case, you can still move your chin up but it may be more difficult as it is always a difficult battle when you start fighting genetics.


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