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Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome - 5 Effective Methods

What is bowel syndrome?

Acute bowel syndrome is a very common disorder that affects the intestines and stomach. Millions of people in the United States alone suffer from this. Symptoms of IBS can be controlled although there is no clear treatment for this syndrome.

Do not experiment with any IBS treatment without consulting your dietitian or doctor first. This will help you make sure the treatment you are taking is right for you. If you still want to change your diet, be sure to do so with your doctor's advice. The medicine itself is not practical because it will most likely harm you.

1. Eating peppermint can control the symptoms of bowel syndrome. Peppermint is an age-old secret for treating stomach ache and other related stomach problems and is now being used to control IBS. However, different people have different body reactions to different ingredients and therefore you should see if peppermint suits your body before taking it. It may not always work for a while for others it can be instantly calming.

2. Making changes in your diet can also control IBS symptoms. Milk, cheese, meat and other animal products are difficult to digest and are known to cause IBS symptoms. Try your best to avoid this food. It will be very helpful if you keep a food diary where you can keep a list of food items that trigger IBS symptoms and a list of good foods for you. This way, you can keep track of what foods to avoid.

3. Keep your mind open. IBS flare-ups can also be caused by stress. If you have a lot of stress and suffer from IBS as well, you should visit your psychiatrist immediately. You can also go for hypnosis sessions as hypnosis has been found to reduce stress. But ensure your safety by going to a reputable psychiatrist. Acupuncture is another way to relieve stress. It helps lower stress levels and control IBS symptoms.

4. Most IBS patients suffer from gas. IBS flare-ups can be avoided if you successfully avoid gas-producing food items. Lose cabbage, broccoli, nuts and other foods that can aggravate IBS symptoms.

5. Water enema is a very popular thing with IBS patients. Today, some IBS patients rely on weekly water enema to control their symptoms. But then again, this doesn't always work for everyone. Ask your doctor if you can take it. This step is very important and it cannot be emphasized enough. Your doctor will guide you properly and give you the right treatment and prevent any IBS disorders.

Managing IBS symptoms is a never-ending process. Do your best to find out as much as you can on the different treatments available to you. Once you have listed some of the treatments that you find appropriate, make sure you consult your doctor and seek his advice. If you do not do this, your medical condition will worsen and your personal life may be affected. Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone in this suffering. This may help you control the stress that can affect IBS patients.


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