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Constipation and IBS: Why Am I Constipated?

Most people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) also have constipation and IBS. Although constipation itself is not actually IBD and the most common symptom of IBD is diarrhea, there are some people who are exposed to both diarrhea and constipation. They are called "swingers," because they tend to swing from one state to another, causing confusion. This is because when diarrhea is treated, you also need to manage constipation.

Genetics is the leading cause of constipation. If you are a person who has been chronically infected with constipation, this means that your body does not absorb or manage both the magnesium in your diet and any magnesium you get from various vitamins.

Magnesium is a natural impurities softener and is considered a natural tranquilizer for those who constantly stress about their constipation and the condition of IBS. It is this magnesium that properly controls the amount of fluid present in your stool so that your stools are soft enough, but not too soft to easily pass through your GI tract. In addition, magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer that helps with proper muscle contraction and expansion by relaxing your stomach and helping those suffering from what is commonly referred to as a "tight butt."

There are a few things you need to know about magnesium. If your body is not managing the fluid properly, then you need to use magnesium regularly. However, magnesium is not addictive. Most people do not always take magnesium, as long as they receive a natural and consistent bowel movement without any side effects.

Magnesia milk is a very "raw" form of magnesium that leads to a "vicious" effect. Instead of using Magnesia Milk, visit a good health food store and ask for high magnesium absorption and then take 1-2 tablets daily to find out what works best for treating constipation and IBS.

It is a well-known fact that fiber also helps treat constipation and IBS. However, before you start eating fatty foods, you should be careful if you think that magnesium deficiency may be a problem. If you do not deal with this condition first, you will not be able to move your intestines, and the fibers will only form in your colon. In other words, if you have chronic constipation, it's best to try magnesium first.

In most cases, constipation can be managed with the right fiber, which is insoluble. Psyillium is considered the best option here. Of course, you can use magnesium and psyllium together as well, if you feel it works best for your body.

The last fact about constipation will surprise you. The human body generally has 3 bowel movements a day. So, after you eat, you need to eliminate all the waste collected from the food overnight. Although infants and animals do this well, adults do not do so naturally. If you are the one who thinks that going once a day or every day is good enough, you are wrong. Avoiding regular bowel movements can negatively affect your health.

Prevents your constipation and IBS by ensuring that your body receives the magnesium and fiber needed for proper and healthy bowel movement.


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