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Colon Cancer - How to Avoid It and How to Detect It

Cancer is becoming more common today. How we live our lives and the number of carcinogenic agents around us; we are all exposed to a disease known as cancer. According to experts, one of the most painful cancers is colon cancer. It is a type of cancer that comes from the end of the digestive tract. As with any other cancer, an imbalance in the way cells behave causes an invasion of the organ. In this case, it's a large intestine.

Colon cancer can be detected in the diet people normally take. With a low fiber diet and a high fat content diet; People are very vulnerable to the dreaded disease. Now, why is the absence of fiber contributing to the growth of cancer cells? It is for the simple reason that fiber helps to get rid of harmful toxins in our body. With fiber in our diet, the colon can regularly remove impurities from the system that reduce the risk of harmful ammonia and other substances in the gut that can cause intestinal mucosa. But it's not all about the poor fiber in the food we eat. It can also be due to the fact that we eat too much grilled food. Grilled foods are known for their burned portions that are translated to carbon. And research has shown that carbon in the colon is a carcinogenic agent.

Cancer develops in the colon due to the irritation caused by excessive intake of fiber, low fiber and high fat content. With irregular bowel movements, there is increased irritation of the intestinal mucosa causing the cells to turn into cancerous cells. In addition to the way people eat, there is evidence that genetic predisposition is a factor that increases the chances of getting colon cancer.

Now what are the signs that you may have colon cancer? With the presence of tumors in the colon, it is possible that your bowel movements are no longer the same. It does mean that you won't be able to remove your stitches as usual. Or, you will get rid of your stool with more pain than before. If you have your own digital rectal examination, your doctor may be able to find a tumor that causes a block in the stool. Another test is a blood test that detects an increase in the number of proteins that can trigger tumor growth. Although these tests are all reliable tests, they are still considered non-validation tests. The only way to confirm cancer cells is through biopsy.

There are many ways to reduce the risk of colon cancer. The best way to prevent cancer is to live an active and healthy lifestyle. Since smoking generally increases the risk for any type of cancer, smoking should be avoided at all costs. For a diet, the person should eat a good balance of foods that can provide protein, carbohydrates, fat and fiber of course. And if you are in your 50's, be sure to visit your doctor at least twice a year to get a good diagnosis of the various diseases that may come with age. The majority of patients with colon cancer are in their 50s and above.

On a final note, colon cancer is something that can be prevented if not prevented or detected early in the disease process. The best way to fight the disease is through prevention. With the right lifestyle modifications, one has a better chance of living a healthier life free of colon cancer or any other cancer for that matter.


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