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The Immune System, Inflammation, and Cancer


The immune system is a wonderful cell system that signals to the cytokines that fight infection and protect our health. We connect with billions of microorganisms every day. These include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. To protect us, we have the immune system. The immune system is a collection of infections that capture white blood cells and their partners complement cells and cytokines.

The complement system contains small proteins that circulate throughout the blood system. Their job is to recognize foreign substances (antigens), bind them, and then activate other systems. They cling to the malignant cells and signify them so that other immune cells can recognize the contagious cells. Another role of complement systems is to kill bacteria.

The next group is the phagocyte. These cells can eat bacteria in a process called phagocytosis. Phagocytes contain granulocytes, monocyte-transformed macrophages, and dendritic cells. This cell system is the first line of defense against infection.

The lymphocytes form the next set. There are many types of lymphocytes and each has a specific function. T-helper cells are the main regulator of the immune system. When they come in contact with cell-opening antigens such as bacteria that have just been eaten by bacteria, the helper cells activate and then help activate other immune systems. Another type of T cell is a T cell killer, These cells circulate in the body in search of infected or normal infected cells, or cancer cells. Their job is quite simple, when they find a bad cell, they kill it. B-lymphocytes help the immune system kill bacteria by producing immunoglobulins. Immunoglobulins act as tags that mark bacteria to be removed by the phagocyte. It is produced every time you get and are infected or immunized. When the same bug attacks your body, B lymphocytes remember and then produce more immunoglobulin through plasma cells to help kill infections.

Finally, there is a substance called cytokine. These materials are used for a variety of purposes. They help one another, they can act as growth factors, they take up immune cells, they activate immune cells, they turn off immune cells, and some act as hormones. Cytokines are very important to keep the system running and they need to be balanced. There are cytokines to turn the system on and off the system. When there is an imbalance, the end result is an immune deficiency or an overactive immune system. An overactive immune system is what is involved in chronic inflammation and this is a bad thing because the disease causes chronic inflammation. In fact, chronic inflammation has been linked to heart disease, stroke, dementia, and cancer.


We have known about inflammation and cancer since 1863 when Rudolph Virchow discovered white blood cells in tumor tissues. Today, the connection between chronic inflammation and cancer is commonly accepted. Common examples of cancers caused by chronic inflammation include ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease that cause colon cancer. Barrett's esophagus causes esophageal cancer. Celiac disease can lead to small intestinal lymphoma. Hashimoto's thyroiditis can lead to thyroid lymphoma.

Inflammation promotes tumor development at all levels; initiation, development, and metastasis. Tumor initiation is the process by which normal cells become malignant. Tumor development is the process by which cancer cells grow, and metastasis is the process by which cancer cells spread far either through lymphatic to lymph nodes or through blood to distant organs.

The role of inflammation in tumor cell initiation is clear but this mechanism is not yet complete. It is considered as a two part process. Inflammatory cells are responsible for secreting reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS). These are usually used to kill viruses or normal cells infected with viruses. In chronic conditions, these ROS and RNS can damage the DNA of normal cells causing mutations. Mutations in oncogenes can be an early process that eventually leads to cancer. The second step is that the inflammatory cells produce the thymine which promotes cell growth, so that not only do the cells stimulate growth but they do so in an environment filled with ROS and RNS that sets the perfect conditions to produce mutated oncogenes.

The ways in which chronic inflammation promotes tumor cell development are not well described. It is believed that inflammatory cytokines produce many effects, especially promoting the growth and degradation of tissue around the tumor (stromal matrix) that helps the tumor cells spread and migrate.

Finally, the cytokine environment also promotes metastasis. Some of these function as growth factors of blood vessels. This is called angiogenesis and is necessary for tumor cells to metastasize. In addition, when blood vessels are formed around tumor cells, additional cytokines have protease activity that breaks down the stromal matrix and allows cancer cells to migrate to the bloodstream and then metastasize.

When the immune system is in good condition, we remain in excellent condition for health protected from infection and cancer. Healthy immunity is our best defense, but what foods are best for your immune system? Here's a list, and as always, it's best to get these nutrients directly from foods and not pills.


  1. Vitamin C: Increases the production of white blood cells, antibodies, and interferon production. Only 200 mg / day is needed. Mega dose ends in the toilet. It's best to get your vitamin C from citrus fruits, green peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, and sweet and white potatoes.

  2. Vitamin E: Improves the function of natural killer cells and the function of cell B. It is found in seeds, oils and cereals.

  3. Carotenoids: Vitamin A and beta-carotene promote strong cell and anti-oxidant infections. They are also found to have anti-cancer activity and can be found in green leafy vegetables, vegetables, fish, fish, eggs, and highly colored dairy products.

  4. Bioflavenoids: Is anti-inflammatory and anti-virus. They repair cell walls and are essential for absorption of vitamin C. Bioflavenoids can be found alongside vitamin C in citrus fruits.

  5. Zinc: Increases the production of white blood cells, especially T. zinc cells have been shown in clinical studies for the common cold period. You can find zinc in peas, nuts, nuts, and five nuts.

  6. Garlic: Increases white blood cells, natural killer cells, and produces antibodies. It also has a direct anti-bacterial effect. Try to add the best garlic to your diet.

  7. Selenium: Increases natural killer cells and cells against cancer. There is some promising evidence for its cancer prevention capabilities.

  8. Omega-3 fatty acids: Is a very beneficial fat. It is anti-inflammatory, which is associated with good heart health, improves the immune system especially phagocytes, and has anti-cancer effects.

  9. Mushrooms: Known for centuries to boost immune system in the East. Maitake, Reishi, and Shiitake strengthen the immune system and fight diseases like cancer.


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