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Benefits of Swiss Chard - A Natural Fat Burning Food

Learn the incredible benefits of swiss chard, how best to prepare it and how much you need to eat to get the most out of swiss chard - one of the most amazing fat burners.

The vegetable known as the swiss chard resembles a beet or spinach in taste. Along with kale, collard and mustard vegetables, it is a leafy green vegetable commonly referred to as "green". You can buy them all year round, but the peak harvest season begins in June and ends in August.

These leafy greens have broad stems, white, red or yellow crabs. The leaves are dark green, very broad, and spread in the form of fans. You can eat the stems as well as the leafy portions.

Swiss Chard Fat Burning Benefits

It contains anthocyanins and fibers that provide special protection against cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, especially colon cancer. There is recent scientific evidence showing that Swiss chard can protect the kidneys of diabetic patients, due to reduced urea and creatinine levels.

It is also very high in the following ingredients: Vitamins A, C, E and K, dietary fiber, magnesium, manganese, iron and potassium.

These vegetables also contain reliable amounts of Vitamins B-1, B-2 and B-6, plus folic acid, biotin, niacin, Pantothenic acid, copper, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and copper and protein.

Vitamin K content helps keep your bones healthy.

Beta carotene is a nutrient that protects against cancer as well as antioxidants. Beta carotene belongs to the carotenoid family, and may be able to protect the body from skin cancer and various types of cancer.

Vitamin A helps in reducing the negative effects of cigarette smoke on the body, and also helps to protect the body from attacks of the emphysema.

Magnesium helps regulate the body's nerves and muscles by controlling the effects of calcium on the body.

Vitamin C helps fight inflammation as a water-soluble antioxidant. It provides the energy needed to boost your body's metabolism to burn excess fat. Swiss chard contains Vitamin C, which helps in preventing free radical damage to cells, and also provides additional protection against colon cancer. Vitamin C is also very helpful in maintaining a healthy immune system, fighting the flu and helping cure infections.

It also contains potassium, which helps in lowering blood levels, as well as cholesterol levels.

The iron content of these vegetables helps in the production of energy and also produces hemoglobin, a protein that transports oxygen everywhere in the body.

These vegetables contain manganese, a trace mineral that helps produce energy derived from proteins and carbohydrates, and synthesizes fatty acids. In addition, manganese protects the body from free radical damage that occurs when energy is produced.

The Right Way to Prepare Swiss Chard

Look for new Swiss chard in the fresh produce section of your supermarket; This section is one of the shop's refrigerator areas. Find the most vibrant green leafy produce, with no yellow or yellow leaves. Be aware that you choose sharp stems and leaves that do not contain any visible spots.

You can cool Swiss chard leaves without washing in plastic bags for several days. Swiss blanched chard leaves can be frozen for future meals. Before cooking Swiss chard, rinse thoroughly to remove all dirt and sand. Dip the leaves and stems in a container filled with cold water, sweep them, and then complete the cleaning by rinsing them in cold water and water. Cut the bottom end of the vegetables. If you have too much fiber, you can peel it the same way you peel excess fiber from the celery stems.

Do not cook this vegetable in an aluminum pot, as aluminum will cause your Swiss card to lose its green color. It is better to boil your Swiss card faster, rather than steaming it, as the method of boiling quickly releases the oxalic acid present in the leaves, and helps it not to taste bitter.

Swiss chard substitutes as a spinach when you cook vegetarian lasagna. Replace it for cabbage when preparing stuffed veggie dishes. You can use the leaves as a sandwich wrap, topping them with your favorite tuna, chicken or turkey. You can also add this cooked vegetable with a penne pasta dish, with the addition of extra olive oil, fresh lemon juice and minced garlic cloves. Try adding a steamed Swiss pan to the frittata or omelet.

Amount to Eat

The recommended size of Swiss chard is equal to one cup.


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