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Today Is Still the Day

"There are two days in the year where you can't do anything - DAY AND TOMORROW. Only today can you be happy, smile, dream, love, and be grateful." - Pablo

Consciousness is a big buzz word today but present and present in a caring way has been proven to improve health. This is true of all aspects of health, including weight loss. You may have made a mistake that led to your weight gain now, but that is the past. Yesterday. You can't change it.

You may want to do different things in the future to change your decision. I commend you for that but still in the future. Tomorrow. You can't do anything about it either - again.

All you can do is make changes today. Today is the only day you have to work together. This is where we live. The only time you can change is where you are right now.

That's why I called my book, which is now available on Amazon, Today is Today. Today will be the only time we need to make changes that will make an impact. We will be able to look back at what we did today and evaluate whether it works or not. We can plan but we still need to implement the plan for now.

Your perception determines your reality and the consequences of your behavior. We all have filters created by past experiences and beliefs we see through life. The filter determines how you feel about things and in turn determines whether you succeed or fail.

For example, if you tried to lose weight before and failed, even if you used a completely different plan this time, just by running autopilot, you would still see your efforts through the filters of your past failures and feel it was a losing battle. You may not be aware of these things, but your subconscious is running your life and this is where your filters are located.

I'm talking about "refocusing your lens" on Today is still the Day plan. All you have to do is adjust your filters by recognizing them. You can give up your plan and see it as a failure or you can consider it as a lesson learned and move forward smarter.

You can see new ways of eating as an adventure you will enjoy that will push you toward achieving your fitness goals and healthy living, or you can view them as preventing yourself from the foods you love. You will definitely lose the fact that you will try new foods that you may (and probably will!) Enjoy even more. But it all depends on how you see things.

No matter what you eat and how active you are in your success or failure in achieving the healthy goals you set, it ALL starts in your mind NOW.

And you control it! That's good news because very little seems to be in our control. Your filter is something you can only customize. It makes you so powerful, maybe more than you ever realized, and has a direct impact on how you feel today. And today is the only day you have.

Therefore, I want to encourage you to open this gift that God has given us today - it's called now! And I would encourage you to consider buying my book so you can start today, making some changes that can make a big difference in your future. It will also make a great gift!


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