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How Water Can Reduce Your Cholesterol

You wash your clothes with it, you cook your food with it, you make your hot drinks with it, and you bathe in it. Water is the most important element of life; no human, animal or plant can live without it. People can go weeks with food depending on the circumstances, but rarely can people go without water for more than a few days and live. In most living conditions, the need to find a source of edible water is a priority for food. But water is more than something you use to quench your thirst. Water contains 70% of your body weight and is essential for your normal functioning or internal organs. Also water has many health benefits and another maintenance of your cholesterol levels.

The recommended daily use of water is 8 to 9, 8 ounces of cup. Other sources of water are found in foods you eat such as fruits and vegetables, fruit juices and other non-caffeinated drinks. But the best source of your water allowance is water. Why is water important? By not drinking enough water, you can increase your body fat, you may experience poor muscle tone, you will have decreased digestive efficiency and organ function, and you may be at increased risk of toxicity in your body. Just by not drinking enough water, you will also experience water retention, which is because your body compensates for the lack of water intake by building up fluid in the body. Even fluid retention can sometimes be eliminated by drinking more water, not less. In addition, water is essential for the removal of waste products through the formation of urine by the kidneys. For example, the development of kidney stones is directly linked to not drinking enough water, and millions of Americans suffer from this condition as they consume a day of soda, alcohol or coffee without drinking water to remove the toxins they contain. Like other nutrients, the benefits of drinking water can be diluted by other elements such as caffeine and carbonation. Most importantly, water is used to maintain blood volume, which is important for controlling body temperature and delivering oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

You can also maintain your cholesterol level by drinking water. When you have high cholesterol, the first thing you need to do is eat more water. Water will keep your cells hydrated which in turn will keep blood from thickening due to excess cholesterol. It is recommended that you show your drinking water at least 30 minutes before each meal because eating tends to take blood from the blood to be used for digestion so drinking a glass or two of water will ensure sufficient water for digestion. Dehydration is the result of loss of water from all systems in the body, including blood. It also causes loss of water from the inside of the cell. When dehydration occurs, the body produces more cholesterol to uplift the cell wall so more water will not come out of it. This prevents further dehydration that contributes to the increase in cholesterol in our body. By drinking pure water instead of high in sugar, sodium or caffeine studies have shown that coffee and caffeinated beverages can contribute to slightly higher cholesterol levels, along with the cream or milk products that many people supplement with their coffee. In addition to lowering cholesterol, a 2002 study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology showed that drinking lots of water reduces the risk of heart attacks.

Of course every effort to manage your cholesterol levels should include diet and exercise programs and water inclusion should be increased as well. Also high sodium combined with excess cholesterol also contributes to heart disease. Drinking water recommended daily will help reduce excess salt from your body. Also, cholesterol problems often come from eating too much or eating improper foods. By drinking lots of water, you will not feel hungry and will eat less. As you all know a healthy diet can reduce high cholesterol levels. In addition to eating a balanced diet of fruits, cereals and vegetables, drinking 6 to 10 glasses of water a day can help keep blood clean and keep your body dry. When you exercise, you need more water. This makes sense because our body loses a lot of water due to sweat. We need to drink 2 cups of water for every pound lost by working out. While we sleep, our bodies lose water. Drinking a glass of water before bed and when we wake up helps to compensate for this loss and keep our body functioning optimally. We should also learn to replace soda with water that you normally go through on a daily basis, as mentioned earlier, this will also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones.

Without water all life dies, whether it be from the ground, from the pipe, or from the sky; every living thing on this planet depends on water to survive. Americans take advantage that clean drinks are available for all your needs. But you need to be aware of and understand the health benefits of water to keep your body healthy. Make it your daily drinking habit. Keep a bottle with you at all times and drink throughout the day. Drink water every day and watch yourself get healthier and happier.


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