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Top Vitamins to Help Combat Depression & Improve Your Mood

Finally we begin to learn that mental illness is as real and as treatable as any physical illness, and grateful that this openness has increased the dialogue about how and why people suffer from depression, or "blues."

While there are some people who will respond to therapy as a treatment, for many people the problem is chemical or nutritional imbalance - just like how you can't decide not to have diabetes anymore if you just stay positive.

Medicine has helped a lot in treating depression, but for some, the answer may lie in the foods we eat - or more precisely, what we don't.

How Nutrition Affects Your Mental Health

Our bodies work very much like machines - you have to put in good quality fuel or they won't work as well as they should. One of the main reasons for low or light depression is Vitamin D deficiency, which is widely used to get exposure to sunlight. However, with environmental factors today triggering health concerns about spending time in direct light without the help of the sun, it is rare to find anyone whose body produces enough of this essential vitamin.

Vitamin D plays an important role in the functioning of our body and in our mental well-being. Its main purpose is to ensure the absorption of calcium to keep our bones in top shape, but much medical evidence shows that it is also responsible for at least part of the production of serotonin, or the "happiness" chemical.

Lower Vitamin D levels mean that your body cannot produce enough chemicals to boost your mood to where it should naturally. Choosing to take Vitamin D supplements can increase serotonin production, leading to a more normal feeling of relief for those who suffer from low mood or mild depression.

Vitamin D-suppressed

Mild depression and low mood can be exacerbated by body image and physical health. Low Vitamin D levels can also cause bones to become fragile, causing inactivity, which can cause someone to question their value without their health. This anxiety is by no means common, but it should be taken seriously as feelings of self-esteem can generally exacerbate stressors and troubled bodies.

Don't Forget the Gang's Nest

While Vitamin D plays an important role in combating depression and improving mood, it does not stand alone in the battle for your health:

Omega-3 Fatty acids are important for the body's internal work and neglecting its use can cause disruption to the vitamins and other minerals that do their job.

Vitamins B6 and B12 help in the production and distribution of brain chemicals and have been known to reduce depression when consumed in sufficient quantities.

Vitamin C deficiency can cause fatigue, weakness, and mood swings. Incorporating more into your diet can help reduce these symptoms, which often warn of signs of depression.

It is important to talk to your doctor if you feel there is a significant change in your mood to make sure you get the root of the problem. While some people may need medical intervention to help maintain their low self-esteem, adding vitamins and vitamins to your daily diet can not only improve your mood, but also your overall health.


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