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The Ovarian Cysts Types - Symptoms And Diagnosis

Fluid-filled pockets, which are usually formed on the surface of the ovaries, are a problem that affects many women. These are also known as ovarian cysts, and there are many different types, depending on the cause. These ovarian cysts may not show any symptoms at all, or they may cause serious health problems.

Located on either side of the uterus, the ovaries are walnut-sized, and lie below the tip of the fallopian tube or uterus. During the menstrual cycle, the eggs develop and mature by the ovaries, and when ovulation occurs, the egg is released and it moves through the uterus to reach the uterus.

Most ovarian cysts are harmless, they are cysts known as function. Studies show that between 4% and 10% of pregnant women develop polycystic ovarian syndrome. The effects of the syndrome are infertility, increased risk of diabetes, cervical or breast cancer, excessive body hair, persistent acne, and more.

Ovary cysts can cause pelvic pain, they may rupture, bleed, or rot the ovaries. Especially if the disease is associated with fever and vomiting, visiting a doctor is a necessary fact.

There are several ovarian cysts that can be cancerous. They appear especially to women who are in their daily lives. It is known that the cancerous cyst is not painful unless it is very large. It is recommended that women take the annual pelvic exam, so that they can detect cancer early.

It can be difficult to know if you have a cyst or not, as many cysts have no symptoms, and often, vague abdominal symptoms can cause other problems. For example, intestinal inflammation or obstruction, kidney stones, gall bladder or appendicitis develop symptoms similar to painful ovarian cysts. There are some gynecologic problems with symptoms such as: endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy or tuberculosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and even mittleschmirtz.

In general, some of the symptoms that can be associated with ovarian cysts are: vagina during pregnancy, pressure on the bladder or rectum, menstrual irregularities, breast tenderness, nausea, pelvic pain before your period begins or just after it expires, persists, creams or clear-as-egg white vaginal discharge has not changed for a month or so. If you have these symptoms, especially those related to fever, signs of shock, or vomiting, medical help is needed.

The cysts function in the more common categories of cysts, they are not pathogens, and they often disappear after ovulation. Occasionally, there are defects and cysts may stay longer.

There are two types of functional cysts: the follicular cyst, and the corpus luteum.

Usually, when the egg matures, it is released from the follicle, and moves through the fallopian tube, where the sperm cell may bury it. If the follicles do not rupture, they will grow, becoming cysts. The cyst usually does not cause pain, and disappears in two or three menstrual cycles.

When the pituitary gland increases the luteinizing hormone, and the egg is released, the follicle becomes a temporary secretory gland called the corpus luteum. It may cause the corpus luteum to grow as a specific accumulated cause, and become a cyst, but it will disappear after a few weeks. In very rare cases, the corpus luteum cyst can reach three or four inches in diameter and rotate your ovaries or bleed into itself, causing abdominal pain.

Dermoid tissue is small, and usually does not cause any symptoms. They can contain different tissues, but most are fat. Being large, causing rupture and pain is a rare thing in this system.

Endometrioma occurs when the ovaries are invaded by endometrial tissue. The cyst contains blood, and is dark, reddish brown. It's also called chocolate syrup. It does not present any symptoms, but can sometimes be painful, especially during sex, or during your period.

Cysts formed from cells on the surface of the ovary are called cystadenomas and are usually harmless. Sometimes they can become big, and cause pain.

Polytechnic ovaries are specific to women who do not ovulate regularly. The ovaries contain many small cysts, and are enlarged. There are many causes that can cause women to not ovulate and develop polycystic ovaries.

Ovarian cysts can be found by taking several health checks. The pelvic test assumes that the doctor is assuming your ovaries, and if there is any suspicion in the system, you will get a pelvic ultrasound test. During the examination, a sound wave is sent to your pelvic area, and on the video screen appears an image of your ovary. The doctor is analyzing the imagination, trying to determine the nature of the cyst.

Doctors can also perform laparoscopy, which is a surgical procedure consisting of small cuts, through which a thin telescope is inserted into your stomach. This method can be used for diagnosis and treatment as well.


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