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Natural Back Pain Relief Supplement Ingredients Help Increase Quality of Life

Here's what you need to know about some of the common supplements that may be effective in reducing joint pain and can support joint health.

If you've ever had joint pain, you know it's a challenging situation. Our joints undergo age-related changes that start at the beginning of puberty and continue our lives. These degenerative changes usually accelerate during the third and fourth decades of life and can affect your quality of life.

Wear and tear joints caused by tension, gout, osteoarthritis, joint disorders, and autoimmune infections, are often the cause of this very painful condition.

Although there are no standard supplements available for the treatment of joint pain, some of the following may help reduce joint pain.


Our bodies need glucosamine for the synthesis of glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans. It is found in synovial fluid, ligaments, and other joint structures. Glucosamine sulfate is a supplement most commonly used by patients with osteoarthritis and joint pain. Many studies show that glucosamine sulfate effectively reduces symptoms and slows the progression of the disease. These additional recommended daily doses are as follows - one capsule 1500mg daily or three capsules 500mg three times daily.


Chondriotin is an important compound for the formation of our joint matrix structure. Long-term use of chondriotin supplements may slow the progression of the disease by slowing the narrowing of the joints. Although some studies show that chondriotin helps relieve pain, the findings of the study show inconsistent results. Chondriotin does not show any benefit to glucosamine and may be considered as a simple supplement to reduce pain. The recommended dose of chondriotin is 200mg to 400 mg twice daily.


Curcuma Longa (turmeric) is a spice that is widely used as a cooking ingredient. Did you know that turmeric has been used since ancient times to reduce joint inflammation? Turmeric contains an active ingredient curcumin, which exerts anti-inflammatory effects by blocking COX-2, prostaglandins and leukotrients, thereby increasing the symptoms of joint pain. Although there are no common doses and there is insufficient evidence to support its effectiveness in reducing joint pain, turmeric can be safely consumed when added to food as a spice.

Fish oil

For centuries, people have been talking about the benefits of fish oil, which contains heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 has been shown to help reduce triglycerides (blood fat) and blood pressure, reduce risk of blood clotting, improve arterial health, and reduce arterial plaque causing disease. But recently, scientific research has shown that fish oil has properties that help reduce the symptoms and inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, the majority of placebo-controlled fish oil tests in chronic inflammation have shown significant benefits, including lowering disease activity and lowering anti-inflammatory drugs. Unfortunately, most people's diet today does not include large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. EPA's main food source is cold water fish such as salmon.


If you want quick relief for muscle aches and joints, magnesium is the first supplement to try. Magnesium is required for various body functions. It is used to maintain normal muscle and nerve function, regulate heart rhythm, and support the immune system. Magnesium also controls blood sugar levels and blood pressure. For most people, a normal diet may not be enough for optimal magnesium levels so it's wise to take supplements. Magnesium is used in analgesics before surgery to help the patient's muscles relax. Bring it right before bed, and it will help you sleep well. In the morning you will wake up with relaxing muscles.


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