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Hair Regrowth Treatments - How to Grow Back Your Hair

Hair loss is a reality that most men and many women are bound to face sooner or later. It can occur at an early age especially in men. Hair loss can usually be traced back to genetics. Other factors such as hormone imbalance, disease, lack of proper nutrition, stress, skin disease or pregnancy in women can also cause this condition.

Men and women with baldness or thinning hair are turning to hair remedies to cure hair loss. Choosing the treatment to help with hair growth will depend on several factors including the severity of the hair loss, the age of the patient and the cost of treatment.

Some options are available for hair treatment. Some are more effective than others, but they all share goals to help you rearrange your hair.


Some drugs like Procera and Finasteride either block dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or inhibit its production. DHT is responsible for male pattern baldness as well as female pattern baldness. Minoxidil is effective in treating approximately 25% of men who suffer from crown deficiency. Some medicines formulated for men are not safe for women, especially those who are pregnant or at an early age. Provillus contains natural ingredients that prevent DHT and are safe for women. It stops hair loss and promotes hair growth.

Medicines can be used as topical creams or orally consumed. They sometimes cause side effects so they should be taken with caution or only when prescribed by a doctor.

Nutrition Supplements and Exercises

A healthy diet full of vitamins and minerals will help stop hair loss and promote hair growth. Exercise can also help hair grow by increasing blood flow and circulation.

Massage the scalp

Like exercise, scalp increases blood flow. This can be combined with aromatherapy using lavender oil and bay to relieve stress. With soothing effects and increased blood circulation, new hair will grow.

Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements contain natural herbs and minerals that are produced to enhance hair growth. Saw palmetto extract has been shown to inhibit DHT which causes hair follicles to atrophy, thereby slowing or stopping hair growth. Natural supplements have no side effects or no side effects. Topical creams containing herbal supplements are available, as well as oral supplements.

Hair Transplant Surgery

This is an expensive hair treatment option where hair follicles are transplanted to the root. Hair transplant can cost up to $ 20,000 and is available only to those who can afford it.

You will have a greater chance of success in new hair growth if you eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and get proper rest. If all of these treatments are ineffective, you can try to get, haircut and hair weaving.


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