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Curing Acne

Curing acne is effective and economical in the long run when done naturally and holistically. Treating acne naturally from the inside out with diet and practical lifestyle changes is much more effective than just trying to cure acne overnight with topical treatment. Treating adult acne internally is also possible with this approach - it's not just for teens.

Curing acne naturally involves taking into account the various organ systems in the body that contribute to it. First understand how acne develops so that you can treat the underlying cause. Treating acne holistically involves using a multi-directional approach to correct internal imbalances.

Treating acne holistically requires support of the colon (kidneys), kidneys, lungs and skin, all of which are eradicating organs that eliminate waste and toxins. If one or more internal organs are not functioning optimally due to internal imbalance, other organs trying to compensate for the treatment of acne from the inside out are key. Therefore, skin problems such as acne, eczema, psoriasis are often the way for the body to balance itself when the internal organs have imbalance. This is why curing acne internally is key.

Treating acne requires addressing the following problems:

1) digestive tract

Constipation prevents the elimination of toxins and recycles "bad estrogen" involved in hormone-related acne. The use of antibiotics will destroy "good bacteria" such as lactobacillus in the intestines. These microbes are needed to maintain gut health and indirectly play a role in the immune system (which helps prevent autoimmunity among other things). Increased growth of Candida in the intestines can affect the immune system which is often caused by antibiotics that kill good bacteria. Treating acne internally requires improved digestive health.

2) Nutrition

Poor nutrition due to highly processed food diets (detoxifying organs require a good variety of vitamins and minerals to function optimally). Food allergies such as milk, saturated fat, sugar, caffeine, aspartam, red meat, soy, wheat and others can cause "gut leaks" that can cause autoimmune and fatigue. Eating high glycemic index (refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pastries, cakes) affects the immune system with increasing inflammation that causes acne. Treating acne naturally requires acne treatment with a diet.

3) Hormones

Increased sex hormones in puberty cause an excess of sebum production which causes the pores to clog. High glycemic index foods cause an increase in the hormone insulin that increases the substance known as IGF-1 which in turn increases the sex hormone which increases the secretion of sebum (oil) in the skin leading to acne. The stress hormone cortisol causes an event that ends with the body's overall sensitivity being reduced to various hormones including insulin as well as increased inflammation. Treating acne holistically requires taking into account the underlying hormones as well.

A natural remedy for acne

1) Ensure proper elimination through daily bowel movements - make sure you get enough water (8-10 glasses of water) and fiber in your diet ideally through vegetables but if not, use fiber supplement (psyllium or citrus pectin). Check with your doctor for more training and you may have hypothyroidism that can cause constipation.

2) Check your home and work environment for toxins - household cleaners, chemical fumes from plastic, treated wood or home rugs, cosmetics additives, solvents from cooking appliances.

3) Adds good bacteria to the digestive tract by taking probiotics produced to ensure the bacteria lives and thrives after passage through the acidic environment in the stomach.

4) Remove any food allergies by consulting your doctor for food allergy testing. Then remove the offending foods and find alternatives so that you do not return to the old habits of the offending foods. Your local healthy grocery store is a great place to find healthy alternatives like gluten-free breads or dairy-free milk such as condensed milk or almond milk.

5) Heals the digestive tract to eliminate "leaky gut" through supplements such as glutamine and elm tea.

6) Support the liver which is the main organ of detoxification. Burdock, milk thistle and dandelion root tea from the garden (provided the area is relatively free of toxic substances and no pesticides are used in the surrounding grass).

7) If suspected hormone imbalances (low energy, anxiety, depression, insomnia, sudden weight gain, female hair growth, Political Ovarian Syndrome, irregularities in the menstrual cycle) see your doctor for a laboratory test.

Some natural acne treatments are tea tree oil, turmeric and white willow bark. Treating acne naturally involves dealing with more inflammatory cytokines from the immune system and TH1 / TH2 imbalances (different types of cells of the immune system) that cause inflammation.

Curing acne involves promoting the removal of toxins, curing the digestive tract, supporting the liver and normalizing hormone imbalances to eventually reduce inflammation - the cause of acne.

It is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat health conditions. Consult your doctor before making any changes to your health regime.


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