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Does Food Cause Your Acne?

There are many people who say that dieting has nothing to do with your acne. However, when I suffer from acne, I find that the ONLY thing that cleanses my skin has changed my diet ...

People who say that changing your diet don't help by trying to sell pills (either antibiotics or herbal formulas), or trying to sell certain types of cleansers. So be aware that these people say dieting doesn't help acne because they want you to buy their stuff.

So how does food cause acne? Well, it doesn't affect your hormone balance. When your hormones become unbalanced (and if you are genetically exposed to acne), you will experience acne. The more your hormone imbalance, the worse your acne ...

I actually try a variety of diets to clean my skin, including the apple diet. I have found that a diet aimed at balancing your hormones is the easiest way to follow.

So next time you try and clean your acne, see what you eat. Here, do not eat vegetable oil as it causes your hormones to become very unbalanced. This means not using vegetable oil as cooking oil, and not eating foods like pesto (and other foods with vegetable oil in it).

Changing your diet is very easy and easy to do, and it will cleanse your acne, no matter how bad, in a few days. For more information on clearing your acne, visit my website now.


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