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Back Pain - Hope For Sufferers

Back pain ... boy have I been there! Although I am not a specialist in back pain science, I can tell you that I am a specialist in suffering with painful and even painful conditions!

There are many causes for chronic back pain besides the obvious: poor posture, poor diet, overweight, and lack of exercise. Some are congenital, while others develop such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, spinal stenosis, disc rupture, and medical conditions related to back pain. Exercise regimen and healthy eating habits will definitely help alleviate back pain symptoms simply by strengthening and developing the lumbar spine and related muscles that support it.

The benefits of a strong and healthy back are: a healthy lifestyle that allows you to live without pain ... That alone will be a motivating factor for millions of us who suffer from this condition.

In short, take the time to improve your eating habits, posture and exercise routine. Walk every day. Use good body mechanics when lifting heavy objects. Be careful when sitting and standing. See what you eat. Remember, your weight plays an important role in how your back feels. Keep your back on top! There are very simple exercises that will help you get back on track. Most importantly, be careful ... get enough rest, and consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise program, or starting a new diet. I truly believe that people with chronic back pain can seek help and improve the quality of life without drugs or surgery.


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