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What Causes Cancer And the Science That Shows the Cure of Stage 4 Cancer

First of all, let's go. Let's start by setting some standards. First rank, if one really knows how cancer is caused. It would make sense that the same person would know what actually cures cancer, and would help people cure their cancer at 100% success rate. With that in mind, let's take a look at what's currently known about cancer and learn about the recently discovered technology that cures cancer, specifically 4 cancers, if captured two weeks before the person is scheduled to deliver them.

Today, most scientists think that cancer is caused by one's genetics (their genes passed down from generation to generation). This is true. Given this fact at least not all scientists know that our body (our genes) make several cancer cells daily. At the same time, our bodies quickly release it through our immune system. However, some of our immune systems allow this cancer to grow through the genes that allow unwanted cancer cells to grow and become cancerous today. So the question is why our immune system allows some of our genes to continue to make cancer cells eventually become stage 4 (terminal) stealing diseases? Is that a cancer lottery? Of course not. Aren't they lucky? Is it because they are bad people? No. Then what is it? We will answer this important question later. I will say this now that our genes are responsible for making everything in the body and everything is the body, every cell, every hormone, every chemical, every part of your body. It is important to know this and to remember this fact.

Now let's look at other "causes" that "know" what causes cancer.

There are some who think that a poor diet, a diet of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that are acidic foods loaded with toxins such as pesticides, herbicides, hormones and other cancers. If this were true, the majority of people in the United States would now have cancer. They do not. At the same time, people who are on a clean diet full of naturally occurring organic, alkaline and alkaline foods will be cured of their cancer every time. This isn't right. Changing one's diet does not cure every good person. It helps, that's fine. That's for sure. A clean diet of organic foods does not guarantee the death of their genes in the first place. In some ways people have actually cured themselves through a clean organic diet; However, at the same time more than half of them have overcome their cancer again. There is something else that is part of your gene to cause cancer again.

And then some people think that stress causes cancer. This is a hot topic. Here, what they know is stress is different for everyone. They also know that stress causes people to eat sugary foods and other unhealthy foods that create a more acidic environment for cancer to survive and thrive. We also know that stress (lack of love, negative pressure that causes it) causes our bodies to become more acidic even when our people eat well, meaning they eat very healthy organic foods. This is also why people who eat well can still develop and develop cancer. Therefore, stress cannot cause cancer. At the same time, however, it plays a role in healing. I will discuss this important matter later.

There are some who think that it is a microbial infection in a cell that causes a person's genes to make cancer cells constantly. The result is that everyone has microbes in almost every cell in their body. The truth is that healthy people and sick people have microbes (bugs) in it. I will say this, healthy people (less stressed) have less of them, but they still have them.

So what causes cancer?

In one or two words, your brain. Of course you are unknowingly using your brain to give you cancer or other diseases for that matter. However, what if there is a stronger part of the brain (deep brain) that runs through everything in your body, including your genes? After all, you can't consciously make your heart break as you watch TV or your stomach digest your food or make your genes make happy and healthy cells, can you? Of course not; However, something is not right. And something is part of your brain complex.

Part of this deep brain that takes care of some of these things is your Autonomous Nervous System. It has two equally important and powerful components that play a key role but not a single role in cancer making and cancer treatment. The most famous part is called the sympathetic autonomic nervous system, also known as the (struggling, unhappy) part of the struggle. Everyone is familiar with this part. The reason is simple. Most people live in this strong area and walk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

Finally and most importantly there is a lesser known but also important part called the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system that my clients and patients also know as others and digest and heal and regenerate and make love and learning and in the autonomic nervous zone systems that are fully controlled and controlled by your deep brain.

Look at these two systems next to each other for a moment. This way, only one of these systems is up and running at a time. The other side ran a bit waiting for their turn. Your brain is deep in this automatically based on what's programmed deep in it. Remember this fact, you need to do it later. However, you are unknowingly not running this deep brain program; If you do, you will immediately turn off the part of the flight against your current system and turn on the other and digest and cure other systems you need to completely cure your cancer. Furthermore, the system that is not running is behind the scenes keeping the operating mode low and ready to go back and go to work.

Now, let's look at the more well-known part of the brain, the sympathetic nervous system. Its main function is to destroy blood from the outer part of your brain known as the cerebral cortex and away from your digestive and reproductive organs in the main part of your body. It brings vital blood and oxygen to your brain (reptile brain) and your foot and arm muscles to fight or run from the dangers that are taught. When you are very small, you are not afraid of anything, you are this little love ball. Ask your parents. However, these good parents start to teach you (program your brain deep) early on about fear and worry about things in life. In other words, they teach you every day something less than love and well-being. They accidentally teach you stress. For example, to fear strangers and then someday, you have to marry one of these strangers to have children and convey this wisdom. How does pressure make you feel inside? Do you think that programming automatically puts you at a disadvantage? Of course, it creates an ideal environment for just a continuous system.

The second part is called the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system. Its main function is to break blood from the brain (reptile brain) and legs and arms and return to your cerebral cortex, the larger and outer brain and your digestive and reproductive organs. What part of your brain is responsible for telling your genes to make those cells happy and healthy? Is the part of your brain part of your sympathetic autonomic nervous system, part of the fear struggle? In this way, the brainstem actually thickens as the flight system continues to fight. You can see it on MRI. Likewise, some parts of the cerebral cortex of your brain actually become thinner when this sympathetic system (versus flight) is part of the autonomic system all the time. This partly explains the high rates of dementia among our parents. The part responsible for most of your good genes activated in making healthy cells is your parasympathetic autonomic nervous system, the rest and digesting and healing and regeneration and making love and learning and in the zone.

Now, what's the last, most important part of the inner brain that runs and coordinates these two very important systems? Any ideas on which part of your brain runs both? In fact, part of the struggle should be just once and for the rest and digest and heal (your genes are well activated) and regenerate and make love and study and in the zone should be for the rest of the time, almost 24/7/365.

The last and most important part of your brain that controls these two deep brain systems is your frontal cortex. You actually have two cortex, left and right. That's all I'm going to say now. If you want to go deep into the rabbit hole you can buy my book. However, you don't need my books or books for that to change your fate. All you need to do is change the programming of the brain on both sides of your frontal cortex as you continue to fight your flight system. And activate and maintain the very important parasympathetic (relaxation and digestion and healing etc.) part of the autonomic nervous system. And when we do your body starts healing and regenerating new and healthy cells while your cancer is gone. And in the meantime, you begin to experience deep peace and well-being, something that has kept you going for years.


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