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4 Strategies To Supersize Your Self-Control

When temptations attack and threaten to deprive you of a healthy eating plan or exercise program, be prepared to think yourself thin. Follow these new strategies to increase your desire and stay strong.

"No cocktail for me, I have to go to the gym after lunch."

"Dessert? I'm too full of dinner."

"Sorry, can't make the congregation happy, I went to the gym."

We all know a friend who seems to be immune to the temptation of cocktails, cupcakes, and canapés. We would all love to know her secret. And ... the secret is ... roll drum!) ... he has found a new muscle for flex: his strength. That's right. Researchers have found that you can exercise control of your body and be as powerful as you can make every other muscle in your body stronger.

By exercising and exercising your self-control muscles become sluggish and damp, so you have the strength you need to maintain a healthy eating plan or exercise program. Once you work to strengthen your self-control, you will be a safe hour for the gym session.

1. Increase Your Brain Power

Visualize how you want to look at your body and you will find that you make better choices in your eating and activity levels. When you have a clear picture of how you want to be who you are. The more you activate this visualization system, the stronger it will become, so in the future it will be easier to do the right thing. Eventually, you will start to see when you are doing something that is inconsistent with your goals.

Work on your Will-Power

Spend just one minute every day this week. Here's how to get started: Sit quietly with your eyes closed and count your breath. When you reach 10, start over. When your mind wanders from your breath, start over at one. Once you do this several times exchange your breath to remember the picture you want to see.

2. Become a Doubtful Dreamer

When it comes to setting goals, are you: (a) a curious thinker (you're thinking about wearing your slim jeans again) or (b) a complainer (you focus on how hard it is to hold food on the side and find out why you can't be more active)? One of these perceptions can affect you on the way to your goals, but strangely enough, researchers have found that using both can be counterproductive.

People who imagine success and then reflect on the obstacles they face are more inspired to reach their goals than those who have just done one or the other new research.

Work Your Well-Being

Do you have the goal of 'get-in-better-shape' or weight? Imagine how good it would feel when you put on skinny jeans again. Feel them rush over your hips; hear your friends tell you how good you look. Now think about what's on the way: junky foods that you have to eat as you work all day; skip your morning gym session

food you eat at work because you have no other choice or the fact that you stay in bed and miss your morning gym session because you stayed up late the night before; or, you know, just eat the wrong things. But don't worry because now you're ready for your next self-promotion: Make a game plan of 'what if'.

3. Play "What if?" Game

When you know the scenarios in which you plan your B plan help you to deal with this situation that could invalidate your resolution (such as drinking on a Friday night). Having a plan B shifts the decision-making moment from the danger zone (when energetic to ask if you want another cocktail) to a point when you get in touch with what you want to achieve (thin, body) before you step on the bar.

By making a plan of 'what if' Early on, it's easier to overcome temptation and stick to healthy choices later when things are ahead of you.

Work Your Well-Being

Write down roadblocks on skinny jeans, and write down 'what if' plan to avoid each one. Take a look at the ideas below to see how your plan might look.

Obstacle - eat junky food while at work.

Plan - get healthy food to work with

Obstacle - stay in bed late and miss my morning gym session

Plan - do it after work

Obstacle - eating too much during the day

Plan - be sure to get some healthy snacks early in the day

4. Be Your Best Friend

If you learn to treat yourself with understanding and kindness when you have a setback, it will be easier to return to the track after weaknesses. People who fall off the train with a healthy eating plan and then lose themselves actually eat more, because they feel bad about themselves.

Work Your Well-Being

We all know how to encourage and build others' confidence. If a friend tells you he's disappointed that he skipped his training for a week, you will hug him, tell him a week is not the end of the world and encourage him to go to the gym the next day.

Chances are you don't necessarily support yourself when it comes to backlash and slip-ups. Many people do not understand or understand the importance of their own discussions.

Learn to be your own friend and cheers: Write down what you say to yourself when you fail in your goals, then rewrite the script as if you were talking to a friend. And while you're at it, you better think about what you would say when your friend asks you for the power of your rock-hard intentions.


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